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Course Overviews

51 will be delivering two distinct 16-week, part-time Skills Bootcamps in Data Science and Software Development.

Study will be based remotely with a blend of self-paced learning and one-to-one tutor support and guidance. Our delivery partner White Frog has a wealth of knowledge and experience in education and training in Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the construction sector.

Skills Bootcamp Data Science (with Microsoft Certification)

This Skills Bootcamp teaches programming and data science skills within the context of industrial data. Alongside the core taught material this Skills Bootcamp also comes with free Microsoft Certification in the form of DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals and AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals. You will be given full access to the Microsoft learning materials and will also receive a voucher that will entitle you to take the DP-900 and AI-900 examinations. The DP-900 certification is for anyone interested in foundational-level knowledge of cloud data, and how cloud data services are provided with Microsoft Azure. AI-900 is for those interested in learning about the kinds of solution made possible by artificial intelligence (Al), and the Microsoft Azure services with which to create them.


Therefore, this Bootcamp is for anyone needing to acquire programming/coding and data science skills to make the move to their next stage in their career. Computer programming (coding) and data science skills are increasingly needed by employers in many sectors. Modern activities now generate huge volumes of data and the management and understanding of big data are becoming increasingly important, especially for sectors that are striving to catch up with more technically advanced industries. Demand for data scientists is increasing as organisations need to understand and analyse this historical data, then develop tools and dashboards to convert it into knowledge. The core learning material is contextualised within the construction sector as it provides rich case studies of complex data general and analysis needs. This Bootcamp teaches appropriate data science technologies and techniques. These skillsets are in high demand, particularly with graduates and those in the first two years of their career so successful learners will stand out in job interviews. Leading firms are developing data-centric tools to help asset owners, designers and builders improve efficiencies and maximise the potential of this wealth of information.


The combination of the core learning material plus the Microsoft certification makes this Skills Bootcamp a winning proposition.


Skills Bootcamp in Software Development (with Microsoft Certification)

There is a growing ecosystem of third-party developers creating apps that add on to the market-leading software tools and packages to answer specific industrial needs and the big software developers monitor these third-party apps, quickly buying up the most promising.

This Skills Bootcamp focuses on the most popular scripting tools for adding value to the workflow of leading authoring tools, exploring the APIs and coding languages used to interact with them. These skillsets are in high demand and learners will stand out in job interviews.


Alongside the core taught material this Skills Bootcamp also comes with free Microsoft Certification in the form of DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals and MTA: Introduction to Programming Using Python. You will be given full access to the Microsoft learning materials and will also receive a voucher that will entitle you to take the DP-900 and MTA examinations. The DP-900 certification is designed for anyone interested in foundational-level knowledge of cloud data, and how cloud data services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certificate ‘Introduction to Programming Using Python’ lets you demonstrate your ability to recognise and write syntactically correct Python code, to recognise data types supported by Python, and to recognised and write Python code that will solve a given problem.


This Skills Bootcamp is for anyone needing to acquire programming/coding skills to make the move to the next stage in their career. The core learning material on this Skills Bootcamp is contextualised within the construction sector as it provides rich case studies of data analysis and application scripting tasks. On this course you will learn how to move beyond out-of-the-box software installations and apply coding solutions to drive efficiency or complexity. This Skills Bootcamp focuses on the most popular scripting tools for adding value to the workflow of leading authoring tools, exploring the APIs and coding languages used to interact with them. These skillsets are in high demand and learners will stand out in job interviews.


The combination of the core learning material plus the Microsoft certification makes this Skills Bootcamp a winning proposition.



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