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IC3 Consultancy Scheme

Are you struggling to find the expertise, funding, and time to implement new ideas you have for your business? At IC3 we are looking to support businesses through our IC3 consultancy scheme, which will allow you an opportunity for funded collaboration with our IC3 industry partners and academics via 1-1 consultancy.

We have received funding via the North of Tyne’s Digital Business Pipeline to support businesses working in the sector or looking to work with the sector to support them to work more digitally. To do this, we have set out six core industry challenges which will be launched periodically from now until March 2024.

Our challenge themes include:

  1. Retrofit
  2. Net Zero
  3. Data Security
  4. Compliance and Traceability - Golden Thread
  5. Regeneration of Urban spaces in the region
  6. And lastly an open Call

Our challenges allow businesses in the region to share how their business is seeking to implement something new in reaction to this challenge theme. This programme is then designed to support you to develop and put your own innovative ideas into action. We are keen to work with you to understand your challenge or your idea and then match that with the most effective support available through our network. If eligible we will then match you with an academic or business leader relative to your business needs to support, you via dedicated consultancy.

What will the consultancy involve?

These are 1-1 sessions with yourself and IC3, online or onsite to work on your business. We are allowing a maximum of six days of consultancy, however, these can be split into smaller sessions e.g. 6 weeks of 1-day-a-week consultancy. The scheme is not restricted to new businesses, but to those in the sector with a new idea, or innovation they are exploring in their organisation.

What are the benefits of accessing this consultancy?

  • Expertise customised to support your business: your needs will be matched with experts and innovators within your field which will provide a wealth of experience and knowledge to benefit your business.
  • Cost and time saving: accessing funded consultancy reduces the financial risk of business support, our consultancy provides efficient business solutions alongside continued support after the consultancy to signpost to future funding opportunities. 

Who is eligible for this support?

  • Must have a business address based in and around the North of Tyne area OR have a significant customer base within the North of Tyne.

  • Businesses must be associated with the construction industry, and looking to develop digitally. The business does not necessarily have to be a construction company, but you should be working with or supporting businesses active in the sector.

How to get involved?

Look at our latest challenge updates in the drop-down below and provide a submission.

If you have any questions, please contact samantha.tennant@northumbria.ac.uk.

Challenge 2 - Net Zero: what are the barriers currently facing the built environment?

Tackling carbon emissions is a huge challenge for the construction sector and is set to become the most significant driver of change within the next decade as the sector works towards Net Zero by 2050. As the built environment accounts for around 54% of all UK emissions, the sector needs to transform and to innovate in order to address this challenge. The drive for NetZero will focus on each area of carbon emission:

  1. Capital carbon: embodied carbon within construction materials, and emissions from construction activity
  2. Operational carbon: carbon associated with operations assets such as heating, cooling and lighting of the built environment
  3. User carbon: emissions associated with using the asset, e.g. equipment within a building or additional vehicles on a road

Achieving a goal of this scale will require a transformation throughout the whole eco-system. Developing the required supply chain will involve addressing supply-side and demand-side barriers; developing the correct skills amongst the current and future workforce; developing technology pathways and consumer confidence; producing accurate carbon calculation and data management; and creating long-term funding enablers that bring new innovations to the market. The drive for Net Zero will also become an increasingly important measurement in tendering and award of business.

Could we help your business on its journey to net-zero?

To respond to our challenge, fill out the form below and tell us more about your barriers to net zero, what areas of support you would like to explore as part of the consultancy, and if eligible we will be in contact to match an expert with your own business needs.

If you have any questions, please contact robyn.liddle@northumbria.ac.uk.

The link for the submission form is . 



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