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How We Support Your Apprentice

Apprentices will be allocated a Workplace Coach employed by the University. The Coach will carry out an initial skills assessment prior to the programme starting and will conduct progress reviews with your apprentice and their workplace mentor to ensure they are on track to successfully complete their programme. The Coach is one of the main links between the University, the apprentice and the workplace.

Workplace Mentor

As the apprentice’s workplace mentor you are also playing a key role in supporting your colleague to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours aligned to the apprenticeship standard, and to effective perform in their role.

Progress review meetings are an essential element of an apprenticeship programme to ensure apprentices are supported and progressing on the programme as expected.

They also provide you as the employer an update on the progress of your apprentice and the opportunity to recommend activities in the workplace that the apprentice could be signposted to which will help them achieve the knowledge, skills, and behaviours and learning outcomes of the apprenticeship programme.

Progress review meetings involve the apprentice,  the workplace mentor) and University workplace coach.

The meetings must take place at least four times per year, usually every 12 weeks but this may vary depending on the programme delivery pattern. We will aim to hold at least one meeting face to face where possible but the majority will be virtual.

Discussions from meetings will be documented and stored so there is evidence of the end- to-end student journey, e.g. goals set, additional support signposted and subsequent actions taken, learning achieved, i.e. what can the apprentice do today that they couldn’t previously.

Progress review meetings do not only support apprentices on their learning journey but they also form part of the evidence of engagement with the programme for funding purposes. If an apprentice fails to attend reviews and otherwise does not engage, the University is obliged to interrupt their studies and suspended funding.

Records from these meetings will be used for ESFA audit and Ofsted inspection purposes.



Aptem is the University’s Apprenticeship Management System which supports both employers and apprentices for the duration of the programme, allowing you to complete all apprenticeship tasks in one place.  Key features and benefits include being able to:

  • View and sign the Apprenticeship Agreement and Training Plan
  • Monitor the progress of each apprentice and view each individual learning plan
  • Have full oversight of the apprenticeship journey and planned hours
  • Accept, view and complete progress review meetings

Learners on our apprentice programmes have full access to all 51±¬ΑΟ  services delivering learning, careers and wellbeing support services:

Our Careers team also offer Services to Employers.


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