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A key feature of our work at Northumbria is that research into crime and policing is multi-disciplinary and brings together expertise from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. We have 360° perspectives on the important challenges facing contemporary society. Some of the breadth and depth of our work is illustrated in relation to four key research themes.

  • Professor Pam Briggs is a founder member of the UK's new Research Institute in Science of Cybersecurity (RISCS), funded by GCHQ in association with Research Councils UK Global Uncertainty Programme, and has a specialist interest in behavioural psychology and cybersecurity. 
  • Related work is done by Professor Lynne Coventry, Director of the University’s Psychology and Communication Technology (PaCT) lab, whose work involves the design of useable security, particularly biometrics.
  • Headed by , the Northumbria Forensic Science Unit is a multi-disciplinary research centre that brings together a wide range of research themes, including forensic genetics, trace evidence, forensic anthropology, sociology, bioethics, and science and technology studies.
  • The nature of cross-border police and justice collaboration on data and information sharing are an important research focus for staff in the Northumbria Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies. Directed by Dr Michael Stockdale, Adam Jackson, and Natalie Wortley a major recent focus of that Centre has been on transnational crime and criminal justice cooperation involving the exchange of forensic bioinformation within the EU, EEA and Switzerland.
  • Dimensions of vulnerability are examined by colleagues, within the Northern Hub for Excellence and Innovation in Child and Adult Safeguarding. Staff in the Hub undertake multi-method research that aims to optimise the life chances of children and adults who experience a range of vulnerabilities and who often have multiple and complex needs.  The Hub member’s work reflects particular expertise in child protection, child deaths and serious case reviews, adult safeguarding, mental health, mental capacity and psychological therapies.  Members of the Hub include qualified social workers, health and allied healthcare professionals, teachers, barristers and solicitors.

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