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Training and Events

Centre for Crime and Policing Seminar and Conference Series

The Centre for Crime and Policing hosts a seminar series every year showcasing the most recent and exciting work produced by research staff from across Northumbria University. Now in its sixth year, the series has addressed topics including gender-based violence, forensic science, digital policing, harm, counterterrorism and many more.  The seminars welcome a host of attendees including practitioners, academics, public sector professionals, police and members of the public.

The series runs for the full duration of the academic year, with all seminars taking place online and free to attend. We look forward to seeing you there. 

If you'd like to keep up to date with the latest seminars and opportunities from the centre, follow us on our Twitter page:

If you have missed any of our previous live seminar and conferences but would still like to watch them, check out our session recordings on Vimeo below.







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