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Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Net Zero targets and Carbon Reduction Planning for Organisations

51 is proud to be able to offer our accredited Advanced Carbon Footprinting (GHG Accounting), Carbon Management and Carbon Reporting CPD course. The course is designed to provide the knowledge and skills to calculate the carbon footprint of an organisation, in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The content is largely generic, supported by a range of case studies, and is applicable…

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Leading Innovation

The course will introduce unique new innovation tools and methodologies through which participants will develop “stress tested” value propositions that will be applied into the organisation as a driver for business growth, and in addition, releasing the potential of the expertise that resides in the organisation and its individuals.

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The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method is a technique which utilises visual, auditory and kinaesthetic skills and improves group problem solving. The issues addressed by each workshop will vary according to the needs of your team.

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NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (Distance Learning mode)

The NEBOSH Diploma is a widely recognised and respected qualification and will be delivered by highly qualified, experienced tutors over 4 units; Unit A: Managing health and safety Unit B: Hazardous agents in the workplace Unit C: Workplace and work equipment safety Unit D: Application of health and safety theory and practice Unit A: Managing Health and Safety, begins by looking at principles of health…

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NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (Part-Time)

If you’d like the must-have qualification for professional health and safety advisors and environmental practitioners, the NEBOSH Diploma is for you. The NEBOSH Diploma is a widely recognised and respected qualification and will be delivered by highly qualified, experienced tutors over 4 units; Unit A: Managing health and safety Unit B: Hazardous agents in the workplace Unit C: Workplace and work…

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NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Block Release Mode)

This Certificate is aimed at managers, supervisors and staff whose day-to-day responsibilities include health and safety. It covers essential topics like how to assess risks, control hazards, undertake auditing, and promote a safety-conscious culture. We’ll prepare you to carry out a rigorous inspection of a workplace, assessing hazards and controls, and recommending remedial actions. The Certificate…

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NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Distance Learning)

This Certificate is aimed at managers, supervisors and staff whose day-to-day responsibilities include health and safety. It covers essential topics like how to assess risks, control hazards, undertake auditing, and promote a safety-conscious culture. We’ll prepare you to carry out a rigorous inspection of a workplace, assessing hazards and controls, and recommending remedial actions. The Certificate…

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NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Part-Time)

This Certificate is aimed at managers, supervisors and staff whose day-to-day responsibilities include health and safety. It covers essential topics like how to assess risks, control hazards, undertake auditing, and promote a safety-conscious culture. We’ll prepare you to carry out a rigorous inspection of a workplace, assessing hazards and controls, and recommending remedial actions. The Certificate…

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Principles and Practice of Restorative Just Culture

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and 51 are proud to present a four-day course on the principle and practises of Restorative Just Culture, which is also part of the learning encouraged in the NHS plan; We are the NHS: People Plan 2020/21 – action for us all.

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Northumbria Design Sprint

PRE-SPRINT MEETING DEFINING THE PARAMETERS WITH THE ORGANISATION'S LEADERSHIP In order to prepare for the course and ensure that the participants and the organisation maximise the value on offer, this pre-sprint meeting seeks to establish the nature of the challenge being tackled and the roles from within the organisation who are key to inform the activities and participant. DAY ONE: SET-UP DEVELOPING…

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