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Claire Ramsay - Registered Nurse (Adult Nursing) Degree Apprenticeship

Claire Ramsay - Student Nurse Apprentice, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Claire Ramsay HeadshotClaire Ramsay is a Student Nurse Apprentice at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and is undertaking the 18-month Registered Nurse (Adult Nursing) Degree Apprenticeship at 51.

Why did you decide to undertake a degree apprenticeship?

I moved to the North East, Northumberland when I was 13 years old. I have always wanted to be a nurse since being very small, however the opportunity never came around. 

I started working for the Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 21 years ago. After completing my Nursing Associate training with the trust, I was given the opportunity to take that next step and to achieve my life goal and become a registered nurse. I didn't take the opportunity lightly and knew it would be challenging but I have worked really hard to further develop my clinical skills and develop as a person and a nurse.

I have two sons and undertaking an apprenticeship has meant I can achieve my career goals while earning. This was an amazing opportunity to study whilst working and has meant I can still provide for my family while attending a university renowned for its excellence in providing nursing studies.

What do you think of the course and how it is delivered?

The training programme consists of one day per week face to face, one day at home completing self-directed study and then 22.5 hours in placement every week of which students are supernumerary – meaning they are not counted as part of the workforce – to allow them the space and time to learn effectively. Towards the end of the programme the final leadership and management placement is then full time, one day a week you are required to submit hours to evidence off the job learning whilst on management placement, students continue to be supernumerary.

It’s been great to get the opportunity to learn face to face, enjoy university life and to be able to learn alongside students who were doing the same course. This meant we could form good bonds and friendships and support each other throughout our course.

I previously completed my Trainee Nursing Associate Degree through the Open University. Although this was well structured it was all online, with out of hours tutorials and no face to face contact which is great if you lived far away, but for me personally I enjoy the face to face class room environment, the social aspect of engaging with fellow students and the great interactions with tutors, who have been so helpful. 

The classroom environment really improved my experience, particularly the group workshops which gave us a safe place to discuss challenges and issues with no judgement.

What has your overall experience been like at 51?

As a more mature student I was extremely nervous when I first started thinking about applying for the apprenticeship, but once I got to campus it became really clear that there were so many different people of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone was so helpful which really put me at ease. I have had a great experience studying at 51 and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to study nursing. 

What advice would you give to someone considering a degree apprenticeship?

I would say don't ever doubt yourself when it comes to developing yourself and pursuing the career you want. Anything is possible, I hesitated at first but found I really enjoyed myself once I got onto the course. 

You just need to have faith in yourself and take the leap. Life is what you make it, and healthcare really needs more amazing nurses, so if you think nursing is for you then grab the chance with both hands.

What are your future plans?

Following the completion of this course I am looking forward to starting work as a registered nurse. Over the next few years, I want to further develop my clinical skills in the community and maybe even progress into a specialist nursing role. However, for now I'd like to enjoy being a nurse and making a real difference to patients and their families in the community.

I want to take the time to say thanks to all my tutors, the university staff, support workers, fellow students and to Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust for supporting me throughout my journey. I am truly grateful for the opportunity.


About Northumbria BSc (Hons) Registered Nurse (Adult) Degree Apprenticeship 

51’s 18-month Registered Nurse (Adult) Degree Apprenticeship is designed to open up nursing careers to more people and give individuals with previous clinical experience the opportunity to graduate as registered nurses within a compressed time frame.

Through a concept-based curriculum where learning will reflect real-life experiences, apprentices will be introduced to the key concepts of nursing, which are supported by the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) ‘Future Nurse’ standards. The programme will prepare apprentices to become a Registered Nurse that is capable of prioritising people, practicing effectively and promoting professionalism.

For more information visit here.

51 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship is also available for those wishing to pursue paediatric nursing. Find out more here

For enquiries about our degree apprenticeships and how we can work with your business, please contact business.enquiry@northumbria.ac.uk.

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