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Children and Young People’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP IAPT)

Company Overview - NHS England

NHS England leads the National Health Service (NHS) in England. It sets the priorities and direction of the NHS and encourages and informs the national debate to improve health and care. NHS  England shares out more than £100 billion in funds and holds organisations to account for spending this money effectively for patients and efficiently for the tax payer.

The Challenge

Mental Health problems are a growing concern for public health. Mental Health problems are the greatest health problem faced by children and young people. Most adult mental health illness begins in childhood – 75% of adult mental health difficulties start before someone is 18 – over 50% start before a child is 14. NHS England has made a major commitment to Improving Children and Young People’s Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) . NHS England chose 51 to lead a collaboration of health commissioners and providers to improve the outcomes for Children and Young People experiencing mental health difficulties across the North East, Yorkshire and Humber. The aim was to provide training to increase the number of clinicians who can provide evidence-based practice and therapy, while implementing the CYP IAPT principles to transform services.


51 has created partnership arrangements between health commissioners and providers (NHS Trusts and the community and voluntary sector) at a regional and local level to plan, deliver, monitor and evaluate the transformation of services. Our team delivered specific training courses for 18 Service Partnerships across a large geographic base from Doncaster to Scotland. Every partnership has received additional support to make CYP IAPT a transformational rather than a transactional change. Northumbria provided a link between national policy from teams at NHS England, Health Education England and NHS Improvement and health leaders in the North East Yorkshire and Humber.


The project has trained more than 300 therapists, 100 service leads and 60 clinical supervisors. In 2018 there will be 150 trainees accessing training. The close liaison, through the collaboration between the services and Northumbria, has resulted in changes made to course delivery and content in response to feedback. Partnership working at a local level has enhanced engagement of providers of services in strategic planning and Local Transformation Plans. While the CYP IAPT funding for training is diminishing the collaborative working remains purposeful and it plans to develop new services and courses within schools.

“The benefit of the CYP-IAPT collaborative has been closer liaison between the services and the education provider and changes made to course delivery and content in response to feedback. A less formal benefit is the collaborative meetings and the opportunity to meet with CAMHS manager/ lead colleagues to discuss all things CYP-IAPT and beyond in relation to development of services, Future in Mind etc.” Barbara Murray, Service Manager- CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services.

For enquiries please contact emma.barron@northumbria.ac.uk





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