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Dr Ann Macfadyen, University Director of Learning and Teaching

Ann’s role as University Director of Learning and Teaching within the Teaching Excellence team involves working with colleagues across the institution to enhance programme development and student support. She has a particular focus on student engagement and assessment, contributes to learning and teaching enhancement sessions for academic staff and is involved in supervision of doctoral students in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.

Ann joined the university in 1990 and was programme leader for Children’s Nursing programmes for over 20 years. She has also led programmes for a range of healthcare staff returning to the professional register and postgraduate programmes in learning and teaching in higher education. Prior to joining the University, she worked in both Adult and Children’s Nursing in Glasgow, London and Newcastle. She has maintained her registration while working on collaborative projects with local and regional healthcare organisations and through her research.

In 2009 she was appointed as Principal Lecturer for Learning and Teaching Development in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, and in 2018-9 was seconded to the role of Faculty Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Engineering and Environment.

Her research interests cover both health and education issues, including projects that have consulted with students about their experience of Higher Education and with children and their families about their experience of health care. Her doctoral research with master’s research supervisors identified some of the complexities inherent within their role and conceptualised the way in which supervisors balance the responsibilities involved. She has published and presented internationally on these topics.


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