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Quality and Teaching Excellence

Academic Registry

The Quality and Teaching Excellence team provides support to Faculties and Services through the development, approval, delivery, enhancement and review of all academic programmes.  This is underpinned by the University's 

Led by the Deputy Academic Registrar, the Quality and Teaching Excellence Team includes c.26 staff and five main support teams:


  • The Apprenticeships (Quality and Compliance) team monitors the regulatory requirements of apprenticeships, and is responsible for ensuring that the University is compliant. This includes readiness for any external audits or visits.
  • The Approvals and Revision team manage all programme and module approvals and revisions, including all partnership developments and associated quality assurance; validation/franchise arrangements; dual/joint awards.
  • The Governance and Enhancement team supports Academic Board, and the University Education Committee and its sub-committees. The team also maintains and monitors University Regulations (including assessment regulations and External Examiner reports/appointments); student engagement (via module evaluation surveys, the NSS and PTES; and supports enhancement activity, including our Professional Recognition Scheme.
  • The Review and Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) team manages and supports PSRB relationships in conjunction with academic contacts in Faculties, and coordinate PSRB reviews. The team also supports institutional review activities including the Continuous Programme Performance Review (CPPR) process.
  • The Teaching Excellence team comprises Principal Lecturers (Learning and Teaching) who provide strategic support and leadership for the implementation of Northumbria's Education Strategy

51 is proud to be an accredited partner of Advance HE, QAA UK Quality Assured and a QAA TNE Scheme Participant


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