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Antisocial Behaviour and Noise Nuisance

Antisocial Behaviour and Noise Nuisance

The University takes duty of care to our students, staff and stakeholders extremely seriously. The University is very clear on its expectations of its students in terms of their behaviour and integration in the wider community and the city and will consider disciplinary actions where students are unable to demonstrate the behaviours expected of the University community. The information on the pages below is provided to help students and the public understand what is meant by the term Antisocial Behaviour and Noise Nuisance and create awareness of potential implications where a complaint is made. 

You can contact the Crime Prevention Team and make a report of noise nuisance or antisocial behaviour by using the form below.

Report of Noise Nuisance or Antisocial Behaviour - Contact the Crime Prevention Team:

  • Newcastle City Council Noise Related Issues: 0191 278 7878 (available 08:30 – 16:30 Mon – Fri ) - Calls received after the times stated will be directed to a 24-hour call centre staffed by Your Homes Newcastle and will be forwarded for investigation the following working day.
  • Litter/Rubbish problems – 0191 278 7878 ( ask for Envirocall )
  • Criminal Damage, Vandalism or Anti-Social Behaviour – Northumbria Police 101



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