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LGBTQ+ Network

Find out about Northumbria's True Colours Network

51’s True Colours Network is a fully inclusive community for colleagues and postgraduate researchers. The group supports and welcomes all colleagues at the University who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Non-Binary, and other sexualities and gender minorities as well as any colleagues who may wish to support their LGBTQ+ colleagues.

The main purpose of the group is to create and support an LGBTQ+ community at the University and work with the University to continually ensure there are up to date inclusive policies in place, creating further inclusive spaces and ensuring LGBTQ+ visibility across all our campuses.

The Network works closely the Students Union and student LGBT+ Society to help ensure that students at the University are aware of our zero tolerance on hate crime and to provide a safe space to talk should there be any concerns from LGBTQ+ students during their time at the University.

If you would like to join the network, please visit on the intranet (login required) or contact the EDI team

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