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Reduced Inequalities

51 is proud to be a multi-cultural and welcoming community, committed to the principles of human rights and social justice. We value diversity and are determined to ensure that the opportunities we provide are open to all. Our activities and research reflect these commitments, looking at how to protect the rights and enhance the wellbeing of citizens across the world.

In the Spotlight: Northumbria Students’ Union

Northumbria Students’ Union represents the views of every student to the University, the local community and beyond. It is led by a team of Sabbatical Officers elected from students by students, and has student representatives from a variety of programmes, departments and from different social and cultural backgrounds. The Students’ Union drives positive change to ensure that Northumbria is a place for all, and to ensure that all Northumbria students have the best experience possible.

At a Glance: From Our Research to our Operations

  • Our operations are guided by our Equality and Diversity Policy with progress tracked via our annual reports.
  • Our commitment to widening participation and improving access to learning is set out in our Access and Participation Plan. We have a range of a scholarships and bursaries available to provide students with opportunities to pursue a course regardless of their background. This includes the Sanctuary Scholarship which provides funding to asylum seekers.
  • We work with AccessAble to provide an unparalleled level of access information for all of our buildings on campus. The Access Guides cover details such as automatic doors and ramps, lighting, colour contrast, signage and background noise, and have been verified by an external body.
  • The Student Support and Well-being team offer support around disability issues, faith issues, counselling and mental health support, finance, welfare issues and international student support.
  • The Students’ Union offers over  which students can get involved in, including the Disability, Diversity and Equality society, LGBTQ* society, Afro-Caribbean Society and many more.
  • Our LGBTQ* Network is a fully inclusive community for staff and postgraduate researchers.
  • Our academics also undertake research on communities and resilience, which includes work risk reduction in vulnerable communities, and humanitarian aid and mental health interventions in conflict affected communities.

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