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A Biodiversity Action Plan that Enhances Well-being

Course: BSc Environmental Science 

(Translating Environmental Science into Policy, Outreach & Decision-making)

Completed: December 2020 

Number of students: 5

Brief: The University’s Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) recognises that the external spaces on campus can benefit wellbeing.  The Biodiversity Working Group will soon be looking to update the BAP and are seeking scientifically based suggestions into how the wellbeing value of the campus could be maximised, whilst also supporting biodiversity. The group are asked to provide a report outlining recommendations for inclusion in the future BAP.


Survey results revealed areas of campus which were ‘most visited’ and made suggestions with costings for those areas as well as a more peaceful ‘wellbeing’ garden.  Detailed plans with costing included:

  • Sensory planting and herb gardens
  • Changes to mowing practices
  • Increased seating areas
  • Designs for a well-being garden

The report has been shared with the Biodiversity Working Group and will be embedded within the BAP when next revised, though some suggestions are already being implemented e.g. changes to mowing practices in some areas.

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