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Venues - Sustainability

Venues at Northumbria; Green Tourism - Gold; Meeting Industry Association; Green Meetings - Awaiting Award; Aim; Green Accredited Venue

Here at 51 we take pride in continuing to improve the sustainability of our events on Campus. We're very lucky to have a developing green infrastructure on campus, through policy, behaviours and partnerships. 

To discover more about the University's  and , head over the Environmental Sustainability pages and discover how Northumbria is contributing tot he UN's SDGs.

A business that achieves the highest standards of sustainability has a strong and broad environmental ethos and can provide excellent examples of best practice throughout the majority of the three pillars of People, Places and Planet. It has made significant changes to its working practices and continues to review and maintain them. 

Of those businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry that put themselves forward for Green Tourism’s third-party verification, around one-third achieve Gold. 

What achieving our Green Tourism award means:

We are supported in our sustainability practices, and in our improvement journey by the world-leading sustainability accreditation partner, . 

Achieving a Green Tourism award means that our sustainability practices have been assessed and verified by a credible partner. It shows that we have an ongoing commitment:

  • to sustainability standards and practices
  • to work responsibly, ethically, and sustainably
  • to contribute to our community
  • to reduce our impact on the environment, and
  • to be accessible and inclusive to all visitors and staff.

Green Tourism has assessed our business against 15 sustainability criteria grouped under the pillars of People, Places and Planet. These consider the social, economic, and environmental actions we undertake, providing a holistic assessment of our sustainability performance.


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