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Sophie Bustin

Career Path: Senior Client Experience Manager, Silverbean
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

I currently work as a Senior Client Experience Manager at Silverbean. I oversee all client interactions within the agency, ensuring every touchpoint—from onboarding to ongoing program management—is positive, efficient and contributes to long-term loyalty. I work across departments to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions that streamline processes and elevate the client experience. Every day, I leverage the knowledge from my Master's degree, which has been instrumental in enhancing my ability to deliver exceptional results for our clients and the agency.

What are you doing now?

I currently work as an Account Strategist at Partnerize, I work with my clients in developing their affiliate marketing strategies. Affiliate marketing is an area of marketing that is completely data-driven, and as Partnerize is a SaaS company we own not only the technology used to track affiliate, but have complete visibility of the data behind it all. I also get the chance to work with world-renowned brands such as Charlotte Tilbury and MADE.com which is incredibly exciting! Every day I use the knowledge gained on my Master’s and it has completely enhanced my ability to perform the job well.

What was it about Northumbria that made you decide to study here?

As I studied my undergraduate course at Northumbria I already had experience of the campus and teaching, but my Masters was in a completely different subject area which I why I felt it was important to visit other universities. After looking at student reviews, visiting open days and reading the course contents it became increasingly clear that Northumbria was the best option by far. The modules were well thought out, relevant and exciting, the teaching staff were friendly, approachable and knowledgeable and the teaching facilities were impressive. Not only that, but Newcastle is an amazing city that I absolutely love, so the chance to be a student again was too good to miss!

What was it like studying at Northumbria?

The particular course I undertook had a mixture of workshops, seminars and lectures. There were assignments at the end of each module but also weekly activities which helped with retaining and developing knowledge. It was really interesting completing a team project for one module as it was a great way to collaborate with my peers. I really enjoyed this aspect of the course as I was able to get to know my team on a more personal level. In terms of the feedback from my tutors, it was all incredibly helpful. Every time I received marks back I was able to implement the suggestions in the next piece of work, improving every time.

How connected was your course with industry?

One of my favourite parts of this course was the day dedicated to meeting industry professionals who worked in a variety of marketing roles. Each person who visited the university that day shared their career paths, experiences and advice which was incredible. It was also a brilliant opportunity to network and ask for advice on CVs/job applications, one meeting lead to being offered a work experience opportunity at Kellogg’s!

What was the best thing about your course?

I couldn’t possibly choose one thing! A mixture of inspiring and experienced tutors who were genuinely invested in their students and the material they taught had a huge impact on me. The tutors were approachable and always available to offer advice whenever it was needed.

How did studying at Northumbria help you achieve your career goals/ give your career an edge?

Studying at Northumbria gave my career the edge as it tailored modules to suit the evolving marketing industry. Everything we were taught was relevant, in-line with industry trends and forward-thinking. A lot of what employers are looking for now is innovation and future-proofing, Northumbria very much aligned with that and helped me attain a job in a company that embraces the future.

Which skills/knowledge did you learn on your course that you use most now throughout your career?

Something that I notice daily in my career is how much the knowledge gained on the Digital Marketing course bolsters my conversations, recommendations and strategies. Concepts such as the customer experience, journey and life cycle are always considered for all of my clients, and ultimately it shows that I’m always putting their customers first. Even though my job doesn’t specifically look at those marketing elements, having the practical and theoretical knowledge of them makes a huge impact on my overall ability to do the job well. They act as a strong foundation which I can build a well thought out strategy on. Additionally, even the fundamental basics of the course such as marketing diction highlight to both clients and colleagues that I have the knowledge and the skillset of the industry and can keep up with the more senior and experienced professionals.

What did you enjoy most about your time at 51?

The people at Northumbria make all the difference, from students to faculty, everyone is welcoming, helpful and supportive. There is generally a positive atmosphere about the place that made me really motivated to learn and succeed. Whilst studying my Master’s I joined the Powerlifting team at Sports Central which meant that I met a whole new group of people with a shared interest in lifting. I loved being a part of this team and I have made some friends for life because of it.

What advice would you give somebody who is considering studying at Northumbria?

Don’t hesitate. Leaving full-time employment to study my Master’s was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Then once you’re there, embrace every challenge and push yourself to get as much out of the experience as possible. I would love to do it all over again!

How would you describe your time at Northumbria in three words?

Life-changing, welcoming and inspiring.

For more information about me visit:

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