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Our Doctoral Students

Doctoral research in all forms is a vital and exciting part of SWECW's culture. We offer a stimulating and creative environment for discussions around research, with regular seminars, opportunities for further learning, developing skills and networking. We have strong collaborations spanning other University Departments and Faculties. This means that our Doctoral students undertake a diverse range of cutting-edge multi-disciplinary projects.

Find out more about our Postgraduate Research Degrees and/or contact Dr. Jason Scott (jason.scott@northumbria.ac.uk) or Dr. Michael Hill (michael.hill@northumbria.ac.uk)

Find out more about our Doctorial students, their areas of interest and contact information below. 

Saoud Al-Jamali

Qatar Learning Management Project: Exploration of factors influencing secondary school teachers’ practices


Supervisor: Professor Monique Lhussier

Sasha Ban

The study is an investigation into adolescents’ perspective of their development using Sen’s Capabilities Approach (Sen, 2005). Utilising Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-Ecological Model (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) the study will explore the role of significant others in the adolescents' development.


Supervisor: Dr Sean McCusker

Lucy Barker

"Becoming an Inclusive practitioner. Trainee teachers' experience, understanding and enactment of inclusive pedagogy on practice placement.”


Supervisor: Dr Ian Robson

Carlie Bowman

ACTing in your best interests: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to promote psychological flexibility amongst patients and sample takers in a cervical screening programme


Supervisor: Dr Jason Scott

Leah Bührmann

Co-develop and evaluate implementation tools for knowledge mobilisers in the integrated health and social care system across the North East and North Cumbria


Supervisor: Dr Sebastian Potthoff

Susan Cooper

Exploring the relationship between practice educator and student


Supervisor: Dr Hellmuth Weich

Kathleen Cowen

"Exploring challenges and facilitators to engaging older men in purposeful and meaningful social participation activities."


Supervisor: Dr Tracy Collins

Connie Dalton

Holes in the school food safety net: Investigation of policies that exclude children and young people from access to free school meals.


Supervisor: Dr Pamela Graham

Damilola Daniel

How do sexual violence services respond to Crisis– Exploring the consequences and impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on sexual violence services in Newcastle


Supervisor: Dr Zeb Sattar

Catherine Darling

Young people’s experiences of talking about death when nearing end of life


Supervisor: Professor Reinie Cordier

Jillian Duncan

‘What is the combined impact of academic, pastoral and professional support upon successful outcomes within PGCE distance-based learning?'


Supervisor: Dr Jane Davies

Helen Forrow

Patient safety in hospice care – should we, could we and do we make falls prevention a priority? A mixed methods approach to exploring the factors affecting hospice patients and their care providers.


Supervisor: Professor Monique Lhussier

Samantha Forster

Exploring autistic adults' experiences and perspectives of friendship.


Supervisor: Dr Charmaine Agius Ferrante

Justine Gallagher

A Biographical Narrative Exploration of Infant Feeding in an Area with Low Breastfeeding Rates


Supervisor: Dr Natalie Forster

Martin Gallagher

Exploring interventions to tackle service provider discrimination against Roma, Gypsy and Traveller Communities


Supervisor: Dr Natalie Forster

Soheila Ghasri

People, place and well-being: Affinities, allegiances and inter-generational dialogue in community cricket clubs


Supervisor: Dr Richard Lee

Linda Graham

‘Reading for Pleasure: Children’s Critical Narratives about their Reading Practices’


Supervisor: Dr Mel Gibson

Kim Hall

Listening to Stories of 'Doing' Family: Performances of Everyday Practice in Kinship Care Families


Supervisor: Dr Lucy Grimshaw

Deborah Herridge

'Re-imagining primary science pedagogy: Beyond Shulman, the importance of fun in learning science.'


Supervisor: Dr Sean McCusker

Mitchell Hogg

Developing a Specialised Breathing Intervention for Treating Autonomic Dysfunction in POTS


Supervisor: Professor Tim Rapley

Dionne Holmes

A single case study investigation into the ways in which Early Childhood Education promotes the mental health and well-being of both children and adults through applying the whole school approach to mental health and well-being.


Supervisor: Dr Aidan Gillespie

Joanna Hume

An exploration into children’s talk within the social and cultural context of forest school.


Supervisor: Dr Jane Davies

Robin Hyde

Exploring the impact of the Advanced Paediatric Nurse Practitioner role within the hospital setting: a realist evaluation


Supervisor: Dr Sonia Dalkin

Stephen Jefferies

The Approved Mental Health Professional: A State of Independence?

Supervisor: Professor Monique Lhussier


Claire Leader

Wellbeing of Nurses – A discourse analysis of Government policy related to wellbeing and the views of nurses on applicability and effectiveness through a feminist post-structuralist lens.


Supervisor: Dr Tom Sanders

Pip Lee Meer

Gender in Education


Supervisor: Dr Jane Davies

Michealla Lincoln

How can university training and clinical supervision support low intensity practitioners to effectively deliver a Parent-Led Cognitive Behavioural Therapy intervention and improve outcomes for children, young people and families?


Supervisor: Dr Emily Henderson

Louise Lingwood

The experiences of health care among Deaf people.


Supervisor: Dr Colin Cameron

Jemma Mccready

Altered social and intimate relationships in Sjögren’s syndrome, a user-led development of an intervention


Supervisor: Dr Katie Hackett

Joanne Mcgrath

Access to health and social support services for women with multiple and complex needs – an intersectional analysis


Supervisor: Professor Monique Lhussier

Stephen Mcstay

A study of the engagement with internet-enabled mobile technologies within the pre-registration nursing student learning environment


Supervisor: Dr Sean McCusker

Cathryn Meredith

Safeguarding people who lack mental capacity due to dementia: an ethnographic case study


Supervisor: Professor Toby Brandon

Lorain Miller

"How do trainee teachers' perceptions of the characteristics of expertise change as they progress through Initial Teacher training in primary education?"


Supervisor: Dr Sue Taylor

Carol Morgan

"Examining the health care professionals’ experiences in undertaking autistic spectrum condition assessments for children with complex needs."


Supervisor: Dr Se Kwang Hwang

Catherine Neville

Coproduction of a toolkit to develop inclusive strategies for stimming by autistic adults in the workplace and education


Supervisor: Ms Helen Atkin

Craig Newman

Investigating the differentials in occupational therapists’ expertise in intermediate care to support risk in decision making


Supervisor: Professor Tim Rapley

Bethany Nichol

Optimising Making Every Contact Count (MECC) in voluntary and community settings


Supervisor: Professor Katie Haighton

David Nichol

"Becoming an academic in Higher Education: Staff perceptions of influences that support or deter the development of their professional identities"


Supervisor: Professor Elizabeth Hoult


Vivien Perry

Exploring midwifery students’ opinions and experiences of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s expectations of demonstrating professional ‘good character’ whilst ‘off-duty’ and examining if social class influences this.


Supervisor: Dr Sean McCusker

Tara Peters

'Organisational culture and its impact on attitudes to risk and multi-disciplinary working within a Children’s Social Care department'


Supervisor: Dr Sharon Vincent

Fiona Ranson

Finding home: identifying ‘best interests’ provision for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children, who are trafficked.


Supervisor: Dr Tom Disney

Roz Rigby

Managing Boundaries: a constructivist grounded theory study of how grandmothers make sense of their role in introducing solid food.


Supervisor: Dr Susan Carr

Matthew Robinson

Social media use as a causal role in symptoms of Social anxiety: In adolescents aged 14-16 years, does social media use have a causal relationship with social anxiety symptoms and what are the factors that influence this?


Supervisor: Professor Reinie Cordier

Emily Round

An Investigation of Holiday Clubs and Household Food Insecurity in North-East England


Supervisor: Professor Greta Defeyter

Danielle Rudd

Exploring the impact of cuts to social care services for parents with a learning disability and/or autism


Supervisor: Dr Se Kwang Hwang

Michael Starr

The care experience never leaves care leavers


Supervisor: Professor Reinie Cordier

Rita Stringfellow

The politics of health and social care: rethinking citizenship for older people in the context of devolved governance in England


Supervisor: Dr Lucy Grimshaw

Marie Thirkell

Using creative methods to improve engagement to public health services with looked after children and young people (LACYP) in the North East.


Supervisor: Dr Sharon Vincent

Helen Truran

A critical exploration of collective occupation as a catalyst for participation and justice.


Supervisor: Dr Dawn Drury

Emily Vince

Inclusion in Early Years settings, what are the main factors affecting positive teacher attitudes?


Supervisor: Dr Sean McCusker

Christopher Warnock

"Toto, we’re not in kansas anymore… an early career academic’s consideration of what lies behind the emerald curtain of higher education."


Supervisor: Professor Elizabeth Hoult

John Weirs

From student to young professional: Exploring the impact of work-based placements on the transformation of undergraduate construction students.


Supervisor: Dr Sean McCusker

Lisa Westland

A mixed methods study exploring professionals’ perspectives on identifying and reporting child concerns with children growing up with parental substance misuse within affluent families.


Supervisor: Dr John Cavener

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