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Living Better in Later Life

The Ageing Research group/cluster is a departmental multidisciplinary consortium of investigators which brings together scholarship and research in ageing in several complementary areas. The primary purpose of the Ageing research group is to understand the experiences of individuals in later life and transform practice, policy and workforce training and development, to enable individuals to age better. Through our impactful, transformative research we ensure that care, well-being and quality of life practices and interventions are underpinned by robust evidence and innovative ideas. 

We have a specific focus on interventions for wellbeing, creative ageing, prevention and early intervention of frailty, quality older people’s care, workforce for older people’s care, integrated housing, health and care services, and evaluating tech products and services for the longevity market. 

Research within our group contributes to our overarching Multidisciplinary Research Theme Integrated Health and Care, and the Ageing Innovations collaborative with NIC-A.

Find out more 

Integrating housing health and care services


Professor Glenda Cook

Professor Annette Hand 

Dr Philip Hodgson

Sue Tiplady

Isabelle Quinn

Dr Jane Murray

Dr Claire Pryor 

Dr Benjamin Ajibade 

Dr Mark Parkinson

Dr Jill Wales

Dr Karen Atkinson

Jacqueline Hutchison 


Associated PhD students

Alex Kirton

John Carr

Ibi-ilate  Amachree

Sarah Kemp

Jemma James

Patrick Dawodu

Zoe Brown 



Continuing Workforce Development

51 has an excellent reputation of providing innovative, flexible and wide-reaching professional learning and development opportunities to those working in the caring professions.

Latest News and Features

The Lit & Phil, Newcastle. Image by Sally Ann Norman
City Campus East at 51
Autumn 2024 News
Professor Peter Lloyd-Sherlock
On World Mental Health Day, 10 October, a study involving experts from 51 and led by Professor of Substance Use Research Elizabeth Hughes, from Glasgow Caledonian University, was published by funders the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
A person going into an MRI scanner
Times Modern University of Year

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