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Postgraduate Research Degrees

The School of Design has a vibrant Postgraduate Research community with over 60 post-graduate researchers across all three research themes. Our postgraduate research is closely aligned with the school’s ethos of cross and interdisciplinary research expertise and our commitment to partnership-working and collaboration with stakeholders. Alongside staff expertise, our PGRs have access to  and specially curated design research training programmes.

Our PGR research excellence has been recognised through our involvement in Research Council UK Doctoral Training programmes which offers funded PhD studentships. Between 2014-2019, Design was part of the  (CDT) with the University of Sunderland and our partners BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art and the National Glass Centre, Sunderland; one of just seven CDTs then funded by AHRC nationally. The CDT has forged vibrant and enduring networks and collaborations for both the PGR and our staff community. The spirit of these collaborations has continued in our membership from 2019 of the (DTP) along with six other University partners in North-East England and Northern Ireland. 

In addition to RCUK funded studentships, the School also benefit from a yearly allocation of University Research Development Fund (RDF) studentships which help ensure the sustainability and vigour of our research culture and contribute to new and emerging areas of research strength.

Opportunities to carry out postgraduate research towards MRes, PhD or DDes within our Research Themes are available. See all our current funded PhD opportunities

Further information may be obtained from The Graduate School or by contacting our PGR Director. You can also find the details about design courses offered at 51.




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