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Featured Projects and Communities

Northumbria School of Design works across a variety of projects and with a range of communities. 

CoCreate is a design research group that explores and investigates societal challenges and cultural experiences through participatory and design-led research, with an emphasis on interaction and social design and creative practice.

Creative Fuse North East is an action-research project involving 51 alongside Newcastle, Durham, Sunderland and Teesside Universities.

The Northumbria DESIS lab is a global network of design schools working to actively promoting and delivering design-led social innovation for sustainability.

DeSForM, is a Design Conference that speaks to the notion that the nature of things, the essence of what a fabricated object is, was about to be, and really should be, completely and fundamentally questioned, re-defined, and exploded.

Find out more about these projects below. 


Latest News and Features

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Dr Alana James and Dr Kelly Sheridan pictured in the new FibER Hub
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Graduates Abbie Smith and Frankie Harrison.

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