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Design + Business and Publics

Design + Business and Publics is one of three strategic research themes in Northumbria School of Design, which cuts across all of our core areas of design expertise.

Our research with businesses and publics explores the ways design processes, methods and techniques can lead to innovative new ideas and value creation for organisations and society.

Research in this theme examines design within the industrial and commercial sector, such as design's strategic role in responsible corporate innovation and creativity in product manufacturing and service organisations, and design’s role in facilitating innovation across disciplines. 

Our research also employs design within the public and third sectors, tackling a range of social challenges. This includes research into whether the design of public and community services can be used to improve the delivery and commissioning of public services, and how collaborative designing with communities can be used to engender ownership and a sense of empowerment amongst their stakeholders. 

We also conduct research with organisations across all sectors exploring how they can capitalise on and ensure the ethical use and human-centred adoption of emerging technologies – such as blockchain, crowdfunding and immersive technologies.

To explore examples of our Design + Business and Publics research, please visit our dedicated . You can also find detailed information on the design courses offered at 51.



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