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Converge Connected

Converge Connect

Converge Connected

Converge Connected offers courses online or by post for adults who use mental health services. Our courses help you develop skills in a supportive educational environment. You have the freedom to be creative, challenge yourself and discover new abilities.

Courses are taught by staff, students and people with particular expertise and their own experience of mental ill health. 



What we offer

Online Classroom

  • Converge Connected has its own Online Classroom, a website where students can access course materials and information.

Postal Learning

  • Some of our courses are available by post. You will receive materials and activities to work through in your own time at home. Your tutor will write to you regularly, and you can reply with your questions, comments and work for feedback.

Zoom Classes

  • Online classes take place over Zoom, where you will receive tuition with other students from your tutor. Classes can include lectures, discussions and other fun activities.


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