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Collaborate | Northumbria School of Design

By working in partnership with a broad range of stakeholders, we nurture talent through meaningful engagement, business innovation, and knowledge creation at the highest level. We support and grow the economic, social, cultural and intellectual capital of the region and beyond.

The School covers a wide range of disciplines through research and engages with business in several different ways dependent on the requirements of our partners. Areas include, research, consultancy, workforce development and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP).

Increasingly organisations across all sectors are identifying the need for multi-disciplinary and creative approaches to meet the rapidly changing challenges they face and transform ways of thinking and working. A multi-disciplinary approach is at the heart of what we do.  It enables us to take a holistic view when developing any opportunity. It allows us to challenge and re-frame each problem we address.

Discover how you can work with our expert academics to enhance your organisation.

Discover how you can work with our students.

Latest News and Features

Fashion student Bethany Young pictured with some of her work
Dr Alana James and Dr Kelly Sheridan pictured in the new FibER Hub
Autumn 2024 News
PGR Showcase 2024.
Times Modern University of Year
Graduates Abbie Smith and Frankie Harrison.

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