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Recent Publications:

Arthur, R

Wake, N., Arthur, R., Crofts T. & Lambert, S. (2021) ‘Legislative approaches to recognising the vulnerability of young people and preventing their criminalisation’ Public Law (forthcoming)

A’Court, B., Arthur, R. (2020) The role of lawyers in supporting young people in the criminal justice system: balancing economic survival and children’s rights Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 42(4), forthcoming.

Arthur, R. (2019) Regulating youth sexuality, agency and citizenship: developing a coherent criminal justice response to youth sexting King’s Law Journal 30, 3, 377-395.

Arthur, R. (2018) Consensual Teenage Sexting and Youth Criminal Records Criminal Law Review 5, 381-387.

Engleby, E., Arthur, R. (2018) Evidence of Bad Character in cases of historic youth sexual offending – demonstrating a defunct moral compass or distracting the jury and evading the retrospective effect of the presumption of doli incapax? Child and Family Law Quarterly 30,4, 351- 368.

Arthur, R. (2016) Giving effect to young people’s right to participate effectively in criminal proceedings Child and Family Law Quarterly 28, 3, 223-238 


Ashford, C.

Ashford, C and Maine, A (eds.) (2020) Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and the Law, Edward Elgar.

Ashford, C (2016) ‘Queering Consent: (Re)evolving Constructions of the Age of Consent and the Law’, in Ashford, C, Reed, A and Wake, N, Consent and Control:  Legal Perspectives on State Power (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing)

Ashford, C (2015) ‘Bareback Sex, Queer Legal Theory, and Evolving Socio-Legal Contexts’, Sexualities 18(1-2) 195-209.


Badar, M. E.

(2021) Assessing the Tunisian Approach to Criminalising the Practice of Takfir and Incitement to Religious Hatred in Light of Regional and International Human Rights Instruments, 39 (3) Nordic Journal of Human Rights (forthcoming)

(2020) ‘Prosecutor v. Vojislav Šešelj: A Symptom of the Fragmented International Criminalisation of Hate and Fear Propaganda’, 20 (3) International Criminal Law Review 405-491 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15718123-bja10002

(2020) ‘Assessing Hate Speech as a Crime Against Humanity of Persecution’, 24 (4) The International Journal of Human Rights 656-687

(2019) ‘The Islamic Law of Rebellion and its Potential to Complement Public International Law on the Use of Force’, 6 (2) Journal of International and Comparative Law 365-390

(2017) ‘Discussion Interrupted: The Destruction and Protection of Cultural Property under International Law and Islamic Law - Prosecutor v. Al Mahdi’ 17(3) International Criminal Law Review (with N Higgins) 486-516

(2017) ‘Radical Islamist Groups and the Division of the World: A Critique from Islamic Perspective’ 31(4) Arab Law Quarterly 305-335 (with M Nagata)


Birkett, Daley J.

Daley J Birkett, ‘Managing Frozen Assets at the International Criminal Court: The Fallout of the Bemba Acquittal’ (2020) 18 Journal of International Criminal Justice 765-790, https://doi.org/10.1093/jicj/mqaa024.

Daley J Birkett, ‘Asset Freezing at the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights: Lessons for the International Criminal Court, the United Nations Security Council and States’ (2020) 20 Human Rights Law Review 502-525, https://doi.org/10.1093/hrlr/ngaa022.

Daley J Birkett, ‘Asset Recovery at International(ised) Criminal Tribunals: Fines, Forfeiture, and Orders for Reparations’ in Nina HB Jørgensen (ed), The International Criminal Responsibility of War’s Funders and Profiteers (Cambridge University Press 2020) 455-480, https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108692991.018.

Daley J Birkett, ‘Pre-Trial “Protective Measures for the Purpose of Forfeiture” at the International Criminal Court: Safeguarding and Balancing Competing Rights and Interests’ (2019) 32 Leiden Journal of International Law 585-602, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0922156519000153.

Daley J Birkett, ‘20 Years of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Appraising the State of National Implementing Legislation in Asia’ (2019) 18 Chinese Journal of International Law 353-392, https://doi.org/10.1093/chinesejil/jmz014.

Daley J Birkett, ‘“Effective Control”, State Cooperation, and Declarations under Article 12 (3) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court’ in Liu Daqun, Suzannah Linton, and Zhu Lijiang (eds), East-West Perspectives on International Law: A Selection of Papers from Conferences in Beijing and Hangzhou (2015-2017) (China University of Political Science and Law Press 2019) 453-475


Brants, C.

Transitional Justice: Images and Memories (eds. Chrisje Brants et al.). Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. 
Confirmation Bias and Wrongful Conviction, in: R.C. Huff & M. Killias, Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice in Comparative Perspective. New York: Routledge, 2013, p. 161-192.

Transitional Justice: History-Telling, Collective Memory and the Victim-Witness, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, Special issue: "Transitions from Violence. The Impact of Transitional Justice.", 2013 (with Katrien Klep).

The Abolition of the Death Penalty in the Netherlands, in: Beyond the Death Penalty: Reflections on Punishment (eds. H. Neelen & R. Wolleswinkel), Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012, p. 161-192.

Issues of Convergence. Inquisitorial Prosecution in England and Wales. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011 (with A. Ringnalda).

The Reluctant Dutch response to Salduz, 15 Edinburgh Law Review 2011, p. 298-305.

Guilty Landscapes. Collective Guilt and International Criminal Law, in: Cosmopolitan Justice and its Discontents (eds. Katja Aas & Cecilia Baillet), Oxford: Routledge, 2011, p. 53-68.


Crofts T. 

Wake, N., Arthur, R., Crofts T. & Lambert, S. ‘Legislative approaches to recognising the vulnerability of young people and preventing their criminalisation’ Public Law (forthcoming)  

Crofts, T. ‘Male sex work – a gendered, (hetro)sexist approach to regulation’ in: Ashford, C. & Maine, A. Research Handbook on Gender, Sexuality and Law (Edward Elgar, 2020), 379–395

Crofts, T. ‘Prosecuting child offenders: factors relevant to rebutting the presumption of doli incapax’ (2018) 40(3) Sydney Law Review 339–365 

Crofts, T. ‘The Common Law Influence over the Age of Criminal Responsibility: Australia’ (2016) 67(3) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 283–300 

Crofts, T., Lee, M., McGovern, M. & Milivojevic, S. Sexting and Young People (Palgrave, 2015)

Crofts, T. & Loughnan, A. ‘Provocation, NSW Style: Reform of the Defence of Provocation in NSW’ (2014) Criminal Law Review 109–125


Edmond, G.

Edmond, G., Cunliffe, E. & Hamer, D. (2020). Fingerprint comparison and adversarialism: The scientific and historical evidence. Modern Law Review (forthcoming).

Edmond, G., Cunliffe, E., Martire, K., & San Roque, M. (2018). Forensic science and the limits of cross-examination. Melbourne University Law Review, 42(3), 858-920.

Edmond, G., Piasecki, E., & Carr, Sophie. (2018). Science Friction: Streamlined Forensic Reporting. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 38(4), 764-792.

Martire, K., & Edmond, G. (2017). Rethinking expert opinion evidence. Melbourne University Law Review, 41, 967-998.

Edmond, G. (2015). Forensic science evidence and the conditions for rational (jury) evaluation, Melbourne University Law Review, 39, 75-123.

Edmond, G., Martire, K., Found, B., Kemp, R., Hamer, D., Hibbert, B., Ligertwood, A., Porter, G., San Roque, M., Searston, R., Tangen, J. M., Thompson, M., White, D. (2014). How to cross-examine forensic scientists: A guide for lawyers. Australian Bar Review, 39, 174–197.


Griffiths, C.

Cerian Griffiths, Prosecuting London’s Fraudsters 1760-1820: Swindlers, Tricksters and the Law (to be published with Bloomsbury, 2021 – contract agreed)

Cerian Griffiths, ‘The Law Schools’ ‘Easy Win’? Improving Law Students’ Experience through Embedded and Non-Embedded Writing Support’ The Law Teacher (in press)

Cerian Griffiths ‘The honest cheat: a timely history of cheating and fraud following Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd t/a Crockfords [2017] UKSC 67.’ Legal Studies, Vol.40, Issue 2, (June, 2020) pp.252-268  (published online January 2020) DOI: 10.1017/lst.2019.30

Cerian Griffiths ‘Researching Eighteenth-Century Fraud in the Old Bailey: Reflections on Court Records, Archives, and Digitisation.’ Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica Vol.90 (2020) DOI:10.18778/0208-6069.91.02

Cerian Griffiths 'Advocacy' and 'Legal representation' in J. Turner, P. Taylor, K. Corteen and S. Morely (eds.) A Companion to Crime and Criminal Justice History. (Bristol, Policy Press, 2017)

Cerian Griffiths ‘The Prisoners’ Counsel Act 1836: Doctrine, Advocacy and the Criminal Trial’ Law, Crime and History (2014) Vol. 4 (2) ISSN 2045-9238


Harvey, J

Harvey J, (2020) Tracking the international proceeds of corruption and the challenges of national boundaries and national agencies: the UK example Public Money and Management Volume 40, Issue 5, 3 July, P 360-368

van Duyne, P., Harvey, J. & Gelemerova, L., (2018) The Critical Handbook of Money Laundering: Policy, analysis and myths, Palgrave. 416 p.

Sittlington, S. & Harvey, J., (2018)  Prevention of Money Laundering and the Role of Asset Recovery Crime, Law and Social Change. 70, 4, p. 421-441 21

Harvey, J., van Duyne, P. & Gelemerova, L., (2018) A ‘Risky’ Risk Approach: Proportionality in ML/TF Regulation, The Handbook of Criminal and Terrorist Financing Law. Palgrave, p. 345-374

Gelemerova, L., Harvey, J. & van Duyne, P., (2018)  Banks assessing corruption risk: a risky undertaking, Corruption in Commercial Enterprise: Law, Theory and Practice. Campbell, L. & Lord, N. (eds.). London: Taylor & Francis, p. 182-198 17 p.


Jackson, A

Jackson A, The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and Retention of Biometric Material, Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, (2012) 176 JPN, 393

Jackson A, Kerrigan K, Post-Conviction Disclosure and Miscarriages of Justice, Criminal Law and Justice Weekly (2012) 176 JPN 473

Jackson A, Wake N, Wortley N, Insanity and Automatism - A Response to the Law Commission Part 1, 176 JPN 50, 731

Jackson A, Wake N, Wortley N, Insanity and Automatism - A Response to the Law Commission Part 2, 176 JPN 51/52, 752


James, M

James, M and Cooper, S, Entertainment - The Painful Process of Rethinking Consent [2012] Criminal Law Review 188.

James, M, ?Player violence and compensation for injury: R v Barnes [2005] 1 Cr App R 507? in Anderson, J (Ed), Leading cases in sports law, (T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague 2013) ch20 pp323-337.


Kotsoglou, K.N.

Kotsoglou K.N., Zombie Forensics. The Use of Polygraph and the Integrity of the Criminal Justice System. In: International Journal of Evidence & Proof (2020), in press

Kotsoglou K.N. / Oswald M., „Not very English”. On the Use of polygraphs in England and Wales. In: The Journal of Criminal Law (2020), First Published December 2, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022018320976284

Kotsoglou K.N. / Biedermann A, / Vuille J., DNA und Beweiswürdigung. Der statistische Rubikon und die Dogmatik der Identitätsfeststellung. In: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (2020), pp. 891-937.

Biedermann A./ Kotsoglou K.N., Digital Evidence Exceptionalism, in: 2 Forensic Science International: Synergy (2020), pp. 262-274

Kotsoglou K.N., Proof Beyond a Context-Relevant Doubt. A Structural Analysis of the Standard of Proof in Criminal Adjudication. In: 28 Artificial Intelligence & Law (2019), pp. 111-133

Kotsoglou K.N., Accepting/Rejecting Unchallenged Expert Evidence: The Decision-Making Prerogative: R v Charlene Sargeant [2019] EWCA Crim 1088, in: The Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 84(1), pp. 86-89, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022018320904907


Lambert, Sara

Wake N, Arthur R, Lambert S,  and Crofts T, “Legislative approaches to recognising the vulnerability of young people and preventing their criminalisation” (2021) Public Law Review (in press)


McCartney, C

McCartney C, Roberts, S, Building Institutions to Address Miscarriages of Justice in England and Wales: Mission Accomplished?, University of Cincinnati Law Review: (2012) 80(4), Article 13.

McCartney C, Of Weighty Reasons and Indiscriminate Blankets: The Retention of DNA for Forensic Purposes. (2012) Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 51 (3) 245?260.

McCartney C, Scientific Evidence in Transnational Criminal Proceedings (2014) in G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd (eds) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, New York: Springer Verlag

McCartney C, Forensic Science, Judicial Gatekeeping, and Wrongful Convictions (2014) in G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd (eds) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, New York: Springer Verlag

McCartney C, An Education in Policing? with J. Cassella, (20th March 2012) Police Professional.

Miscarriages of Justice & Forensic Identification in England and Wales, with C. Walker in Mallet & Blythe, (Eds) Advances in Human Identification, (CRC Press, December 2013).


Mitchell, R.

Stockdale, M. & Mitchell, Legal Advice Privilege and Artificial Legal Intelligence: Can Robots Give Privileged Legal Advice?, In: The International Journal of Evidence & Proof (2019), pp. 422-439

Stockdale, M. & Mitchell, R., Legal Professional Privilege in Corporate Criminal Investigations: challenges and solutions in the modern age. In: 82 The Journal of Criminal Law (2018), pp. 321-337

Mitchell, R., Legal advice privilege in the taxation context: disconnected ethical regimes for lawyers and tax advisers in the United States and New Zealand. In: New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy (2018), pp. 63-82

Mitchell, R. & Stockdale, M., The crime-fraud exception in Anglo-American jurisprudence: comparative dimensions and optimal reform proposals in the taxation context. In: British Tax Review (2017), pp. 109-132

Mitchell, R., Comparative standards of legal advice privilege for tax advisers and optimal reform proposals for English Law. In: 19 The International Journal of Evidence & Proof (2015), 19, pp. 246-269


Oswald, M.

Artificial intelligence and UK national security, Babuta, A., Oswald, M., Janjeva, A. 27 Apr 2020

Data analytics and algorithms in policing in England and Wales, Babuta, A., Oswald, M. 23 Feb 2020

Technologies in the twilight zone: Early lie detectors, machine learning and reformist legal realism, Oswald, M. 3 May 2020, In: International Review of Law, Computers & Technology

The long arm of the algorithm? Automated Facial Recognition as evidence and trigger for police intervention, Kotsoglou, K., Oswald, M. Jan 2020, In: Forensic Science International: Synergy

Data Analytics and Algorithmic Bias in Policing, Oswald, M., Babuta, A. 16 Sep 2019

Algorithm-assisted decision-making in the public sector, Oswald, M. 13 Sep 2018, In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences


Reed, A

Reed A, Hall E. Contemporary issues in legal education. Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018 Jun 1;5(1):1-7.

Gibson M, Reed A. Reforming English homicide law: fair labelling questions and comparative an-swers. In Reed A, Bohlander M, Wake N, Engleby E, Adams V, editors, Homicide in Criminal Law: A Research Companion. London: Taylor & Francis. 2018. p. 37-61

Child, John and Reed, Alan (2014) Automatism is never a defence. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 65 (2). pp. 67-86. ISSN 0029-3105

A Reed and N Wake, Potentiate Liability and Prevening Fault Attribution: The Intoxicated Of-fender and Anglo-American Depecage Standardisations (2014) 47 The John Marshall Law Re-view, Chicago 51-114, published April 2014.

A Reed, Duress and Normative Moral Excuse: Comparative Standardisations and the Ambit of Affirmative Defences, Chapter 7 in General Defences: Domestic and Comparative Perspec-tives. Ashgate Press, November 2014, pp 93-112

A Reed and M Badar The Fault Element and Withdrawal Principles in Joint Criminal Enter-prise: The Need for a Restatement (2014) November Special Edition, Journal of International and Comparative Law pp 253-292


Richardson K.

A. Speed, C. Thomson, K. Richardson (2020), ‘Stay home, stay safe, save lives? An analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the ability of victims of gender-based violence to access justice’, The Journal of Criminal Law, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022018320948280

‘Restrictions on Legal Aid in Family Law Cases in England and Wales: Creating a Necessary Barrier to Public Funding or Simply Increasing the Burden on the Family Courts?’ (2019) Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law Volume 41 No 1.

‘Two worlds apart: A Comparative Analysis of the Contrasting Approaches to Responding to Domestic Abuse Adopted by England and Wales and the Russian Federation’ (2019) The Journal of Criminal Law. Vol 83, No 5.


Stockdale, M

Roberts, Paul and Stockdale, Michael (eds), Forensic Science Evidence and Expert Witness Testimony: Reliability Through Reform?  Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018, xxii + 431 pp

Stockdale, M, Archbold Magistrates' Courts Criminal Practice (Contributing Editor)

Stockdale, M, Grubin, D, The Admissibility of Polygraph Evidence in English Criminal Proceedings (2012) 76 JCL 232

Stockdale, M, Mitchell, R, Legal professional privilege and the alternative business structure Comp. Law. (2012) Vol.33 No.7 Pages 204

Stockdale, M, Piesecki, E, The Safety-valve: Discretion to Admit Hearsay Evidence in Criminal Proceedings (2012) 76 JCL 314

Stockdale, M, Wortley, N, S Carr, S, The Scottish Fingerprint Inquiry's Ramifications for England and Wales (part 1) Criminal Law & Justice Weekly January 28 2012 Vol 176 53


Tiarks, E

Elizabeth Tiarks, ‘Interplanetary spaceflight and restorative justice’, in: 24 ROOM Space Journal (2020), pp.62–65.

Elizabeth Tiarks, ‘Restorative Justice and the Problem of Incoherence in Sentencing’, in: 48(2) Philosophical Insights for a Theory of Restorative Justice, Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane (2019), pp. 43–70.

Elizabeth Tiarks, ‘Restorative Justice, Consistency and Proportionality: examining the trade-off’, in: 38(2) Criminal Justice Ethics (2019), pp. 103-122.


Thompson, C. 

A. Speed, C. Thomson, K. Richardson (2020), ‘Stay home, stay safe, save lives? An analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the ability of victims of gender-based violence to access justice’, The Journal of Criminal Law, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0022018320948280

C. Thomson, L. Bengtsson, T. Mkwebu (2019), ‘The hall of mirrors: a teaching team talking about talking about reflection’, The Law Teacher, doi: 10.1080/03069400.2019.1667091


Wake, N

Wake N, and Crofts T, “Diminished Responsibility Determinations in England and Wales and New South Wales: Whose Role is it Anyway?” (2021) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly (in press)

Wake N, Arthur R, Lambert S,  and Crofts T, “Legislative approaches to recognising the vulnerability of young people and preventing their criminalisation” (2021) Public Law Review (in press)

Arthur, R., Dunn, R., and Wake, N., "Empowering Young People: Multi-Disciplinary Expressive Interventions Utilising Diamond9 Evaluative Methods to Encourage Agency in Youth Justice" [2020] International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19164/ijmhcl.v2019i25.953).

Wake N, “Victims Who Kill: Sentencing Manslaughter By Loss Of Control” [2019] Criminal Law Review 4, 288-311

Wake N, “Human Trafficking And Modern Day Slavery: When Victims Kill” [2018] Criminal Law Review 9, 658-677

Wake N, “’His Home Is His Castle. And Mine Is A Cage’: A New Partial Defence For Primary Victims Who Kill’” (2015) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 66(2) 151-179


Ward, T.

‘Explaining and Trusting Expert Evidence: What is a “Sufficiently Reliable Scientific Basis”?’ Int. J. of Evidence & Proof 24(3) (2000) 233-5.

State Crime and Civil Activism, with Penny Green (Routledge 2019).

‘Human Trafficking, Victims’ Rights and Fair Trials’, with Shahrzad Fouladvand, J. Criminal Law 82(2) (2018) 138-55.

‘Admissibility, Reliability and Common Law Epistemology’ in Forensic Science and Expert Witness Testimony: Reliability Through Reform? Ed. Paul Roberts and Michael Stockdale. Edward Elgar 2018

‘Forensic Science, Scientific Validity and Reliability: Advice from America’ with  Gary Edmond, Kristy A. Martire and Natalie Wortley, [2017] Crim LR 357-78

‘Understanding State Crime’, with Penny Green, in Oxford Handbook of Criminology (6th ed.)  eds Alison Liebling, Shadd Maruna and Lesley McAra, OUP.


Wilson, T

Stockdale, Michael and Wilson, Tim (2014) ‘’, Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 178. pp. 103-104. ISSN 1759-7943

Wilson, Tim J., Stockdale, Michael W., Gallop, Angela M. C.  and Lawler, Bill (2014) The Journal of Criminal Law, 78 (2). pp. 136-163. ISSN 0022-0183

TJ Wilson and AMC Gallop, (2013) ‘Criminal Justice, Science and the marketplace: The Closure of the Forensic Science Service in Perspective’, The Journal of Criminal Law vol. 77 No. 1 pp. 56-77

Carole I McCartney, Tim J. Wilson and Robin Williams, (2011) Transnational exchange of forensic DNA: viability, legitimacy, and acceptability, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research vol. 17 No. 4 pp. 305-322.

Carole McCartney, Robin Williams and Tim Wilson (2010) The Future of Forensic Bioinformation, available at

Tim Wilson (2009) ‘Forensic Science and the Internationalisation of Policing’ in Fraser, J. G. and Williams, R. (Eds.) Handbook of Forensic Science (Cullompton: Willan Publishing) 

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