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External Members

a list of NCECJS members

Asli Abbasi, Asli Abbasi is a law researcher working part-time for the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Peace and Democracy at Shahid Beheshti University. She is responsible for the Women’s Rights Group, and Human Rights and New Technologies Group. She is a member of International Union for Conservation of Nature & World Commission on Environmental Law.

She completed her Public International Law Ph.D., M.A. of Environmental law at Shahid Beheshti University and her undergraduate studies at Shiraz State University. Her research interests include human rights law, international environmental law and international and comparative criminal law. She has published some translated books including Globalization and Crime, Principles of Water Law and Management, Human Rights in Education, Science and Culture, Principles of German Criminal Law, Negotiation Theory and Strategy. Currently, she is serving as a consultant to the Ministry of Justice in field of children rights. .

Sir David Baragwanath KNZM, Q.C, currently President of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon created by the United Nations Security Council, formerly a Judge of the New Zealand Court of Appeal and a former President of the New Zealand Law Commission.

Lynn Barron, Mental Health Liaison Team, Newcastle Crown Court.

Professor Michael Bohlander - Professor Bohlander has practical and scholarly expertise in German, English, comparative, and international criminal law. He is the International Co-Investigating Judge in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, serving as a full-time judge in Phnom Penh from 2015 – 2019, and again remotely since April 2020 after his re-instatement by the United Nations Secretary-General. He is also on the roster of international judges at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague, to which he was appointed in 2017. Prior to joining Durham University in 2004, he had been a judge for 13 years on civil and criminal pre-trial, trial, and appellate dockets in the courts of the Free State of Thuringia/Germany.  He has broad practical experience in matters of transitional justice and institution building in several legal systems. He helped train the judges of the Iraqi High Tribunal which tried Saddam Hussein, and has been active in judicial training and advising governments since 2001 (Cambodia, Egypt, Georgia, Kosovo, Kurdistan/Iraq, Tunisia). Professor Bohlander's extensive research (over 250 publications to date) has found wide reception, including outside academia. His work on German criminal law in particular has made a significant contribution to providing access to this field of law for non-native speakers. He has recently developed a research focus on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and the consequences of contact for human law. He has published articles on SETI issues in Acta Astronautica and Futures, and a book with the working title "Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Law – A speculative study at the excample of humanitarian and human rights law" is forthcoming in the series Space and Society with Springer. More info including research interests and publications can be found on his .

Dr. Meas Bora, Meas Bora received both his Master and Doctoral Degree in Law from Nagoya University Graduate School of Law, Japan, after graduation from Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in 1998, Phnom Penh of Cambodia. He obtained the United Nations International Law Fellowship Program to study international law at the Hague Academy of International Law, the Netherlands, in 2011. In 2015, he was a visiting researcher at the Centre for Asian Legal Exchange in Japan on Criminal Liability of Legal Person. He is the president of the Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS) since October 2018. He has given lectures on international law, human rights, international criminal justice to the universities and the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia. He wrote several articles in English on extradition, human rights, criminal procedure, rights of accused, and one book in Khmer on introduction to public international law. He was a legal team leader of Office of the Co-Investigating Judges of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Since 2015, he is a member of the Council of Jurists of the Council of Ministers, Royal Governement of Cambodia, and in 2018, was appointed as one of members of National Committee of Cambodia ASEAN Law Association (ALA). He was admitted to Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2012, and in 2017 a vice-chair of the international law and human rights commission thereof. Before being this, he was a consultant for the UNICEF in Cambodia on the edition of draft report on the implementation by the Kingdom of Cambodia of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and for the Cambodian National Council for Children on Analysis of Legal Framework for the Protection of Children in Cambodia.

David Cornberg
, Equity partner in a two partner practice. Haswell and Cornberg Solicitors. LLP. Specialising in Criminal Law, the original Crime only practice in the City. Both partners are Solicitor Advocates (Crime). Offices in Heaton and Gosforth.

Jennifer Coxon, Solicitor

Matthew R. Crowe, Matthew (M.Law, BPTC) is a Middle Temple Queen Mother’s Scholar and a Harold G. Fox Scholar. He is currently a pupil Barrister at Trinity Chambers (www.trinitychambers.co.uk) and a consultant with GRC LLP. Matthew focuses on domestic and international criminal law. He has been involved in cases in the Crown Court both defending and prosecuting, and at the ICC, ICJ, ICTY and more generally in Asia, North America and Eastern Europe. Matthew’s recent publications include two chapters on international criminal law, co-authored with Wayne Jordash QC. They are published by Oxford University Press and Palgrave Macmillan. He is a former Visiting Researcher at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. He is a Fellow of the Center for International Legal Studies. 

HH Judge Earl, District Judge Northumbria

Susan Edwards BA., MA., Ph.D., LLM., Barrister current practice certificate and an Expert Witness and member of the Expert Witness Institute. Door Tenant with  in London.  and Director of External Relations University of Buckingham. Dean of Law from 2007–2018 and Dean of Research.My professional scholarship however has been shaped by legal activism recognising the need to challenge institutionalised inequality through a critique of law and legal practices and cultural reproduction to effect positive change, resulting in my engagement with:

  • Legal advocacy – Expert witness work in criminal /domestic violence where battered women have killed, been victims of assault and effects of domestic violence in duress, included appearances in court and before the Criminal Cases Compensation Tribunal. member of the Criminal Bar Association and a campaigner for human rights of women, LGBT, minorities, Stop the War Coalition, Amnesty International, Peace and Progress, Bar Human Rights Committee. Currently active in pressing for reform under the Domestic Abuse Bill. 
  • Legal Activism – Worked on Coercion law reform. I am Working on hate crime law reform (law comm and with local partners including Citizenship Foundation). 
  • Legal scholarship – regular contributor to Criminal Law Review and Journal of Criminal Law and to chapters in edited collections in crime and family and minorities. 

Andrew Finlay

Caroline Fournet, Caroline Fournet is Professor of Law at Exeter Law School. She started her academic career as lecturer, and then senior lecturer, at Exeter Law School (2004-2011) before being appointed Rosalind Franklin Fellow and then Professor in Comparative Criminal Law and International Justice at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Groningen (2011-2021). In 2012-16, she was co-investigator on the ERC-funded multidisciplinary research programme ‘Corpses of Genocide and Mass Violence’. In 2016, she was Visiting Professional in Chambers at the International Criminal Court. She is Editor-in-Chief of the International Criminal Law Review (Brill), of the book series Studies in International Criminal Law (Brill), and one of the co-editors of Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Manchester University Press).  

Her main field of expertise is in international criminal law, including its interactions with human rights law. Her research notably focuses on the investigation of international crimes and gross human rights violations, and she is particularly interested in the dual use of forensic evidence in the prosecution of mass violence crimes on one hand and in the identification of victims and the building of post-atrocity memory on the other. 

Nick Hall, Nick Hall is Chief Executive of Northumbria Probation Trust, one of the top performing probation trusts in the country. A chartered fellow of the CIPD, Nick is also the lead for both HR and diversity portfolios for the National Probation Chiefs Association and is the chief executive representative of the National Negotiating Committee for pay bargaining for all 35 probation trusts. As Chief Executive, Nick is responsible for the overall strategic direction of the organisation. Nick joined Northumbria Probation Trust in 2005 as Director of People Management and Organisational Development. He then went on to hold the roles of Director of Resources and then Deputy Chief Executive. Before joining probation, Nick was Head of HR at the North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust. Prior to that he worked for 15 years in local government within the corporate HR unit and as Strategic HR Manager for education and schools in North Tyneside Council. Until recently Nick was also a Board Member and Director of Childcare Enterprise Ltd, a national community interest company providing day-care and nursery services across the country mainly for large public and private sector organisations.

Prof Ed Imwinkelried (University of California, Davis), Ed Imwinkelried is the Edward L. Barrett, Jr. Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of California, Davis. He was formerly a member of the law faculties at Washington University and the University of San Diego. He has been a visiting law professor at the Universities of Houston, Illinois, and Ohio State. He has lectured in Australia, China, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Ed is a former chair of the Evidence Section of the American Association of Law Schools. His treatises and texts touch on such subjects as scientific testimony, privilege law, character evidence, and trial advocacy. He served as a member of the Legal Issues Working Group of the National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence, a National Institute of Standards and Technology committee on fingerprint analysis, and a Surgeon General's Commission on drug testing in the armed forces.

Paul Jarvis, MA/Law (Cantab), 
Paul is a barrister in private practice at 6KBW College Hill in London. He was called to the Bar in 2001. He specialises in crime, fraud, confiscation and asset forfeiture, and administrative law. In 2015, he became a monitoree for the position of Treasury Counsel at the Central Criminal Court. He was formerly a researcher for the Criminal Team at the Law Commission. He is a contributing editor of Blackstones’ Criminal Practice, Millingon and Sutherland Williams on the Proceeds of Crime, and EU Law in Criminal Practice, all published by Oxford University Press. He also writes articles and case comments for the Criminal Law Review.

Christopher Johnson, Director of Wolf Forensic Consultants, a consultancy which provides expert analysis, evaluation and evidence in all aspects of forensic recovery and comparison from crime scenes. Aw well as strategic support and tactical advice and crime scene training to UK and International Police Forces.

Angela J Kirtley, Associate, Medical Law and Patients Rights, Irwin Mitchell Solicitors

Justice/ Adel Maged
, Adel Maged is the Judge and Vice President of the Egyptian Court of Cassation (Criminal Chambers). He was appointed Public Prosecutor in April 1987, and served as a Judge at the Courts of First Instance, Chief Prosecutor at the Criminal Division of the Court of Cassation, Judge at the Egyptian Court of Appeals, and for several years on secondment to the Ministry of Justice of the United Arab Emirates as a Legal Advisor on International Law and Treaties. In his current capacity, Justice Maged reviews and adjudicates high profile criminal cases, including mass murder, organised crime and terrorism. Justice Maged is also a lecturer in criminal law and criminal procedural law at the Faculty of Sharí‘ah and Law, al-Azhar University in Cairo. He has advised the ICC Office of the Prosecutor and the Arab League of States on international criminal law issues. His publications include books and articles, in Arabic and English, on international criminal law, Islámic (criminal) law, justice reform, transitional justice, combating extremism, terrorism and combating human trafficking. He holds a Bachelor of Law from Alexandria University; LL.M. on Internationalization of Crime and Criminal Justice from Utrecht University; and a Diploma on International Law and Organisation for Development from the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague.

Cris McCurley, Partner at Ben Hoare Bell solicitors. Cris studied law at Essex University before doing Law Society finals at UNN, qualifying in 1990. She joined the partnership at Ben Hoare Bell in 2006 in order to develop specialist Family Law services where the cases involve any kind of international dimension.

Isabel Montgomery

Dr Claire McDiarmid, Head of the Law School at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, appointed to this role on 1st March 2019. She has been employed in the Law School since 1999 and was promoted to Professor in 2019. She specialises in Criminal law, with a particular interest in the law on Homicide. 

Dr Roderick Munday, Fellow and Director of Studies in Law; Steward and Wine Steward; Peterhouse, Cambridge

H. E. Judge Sir Howard Morrison, Judge Morrison sits as one of the 5 Appeals Judges at the International Criminal Court, and is President of the Appeals Division 2017-2018. Educated in schools in the UK and what was then West Germany he read law at London University and, following voluntary service in Africa and UK military service, was called to the UK Bar by Grays Inn in 1977. Before becoming a full time judge in 2004 he had some 30 years in practice at the UK criminal bar both prosecuting and defending in addition to working as Chief Magistrate in Fiji (awarded OBE for leading the Fijian Judiciary during military coups) Senior Magistrate for Tuvalu and an Attorney- General in the Caribbean. He was called to the Bars of Fiji and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court. He sat as a member of the Race Relations and Equal Opportunities Committee of the Bar Council being proactive in advocating judicial appointments for female and ethnic minority candidates to the UK judiciary. From 1993 he sat as a part-time Crown Court judge in the UK with authority to try criminal, civil and family law cases. He defended at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague and the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha, Tanzania from 1998 until 2004. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2001 and as a UK Circuit Judge was granted authority to try all classes of criminal cases. He was concurrently Senior Judge of the U.K. Sovereign Base Areas of Cyprus. In 2006 he was awarded CBE for services to international rule of law, particularly in the Middle East. He was in turn selected as a judge of the Special Tribunal for the Lebanon, the UK judge at the ICTY [where he was a trial judge in the case of Radovan Karadzic] before being elected to the International Criminal Court. As of 2017 he has served 28 years as both a part-time and full time judge, predominantly in criminal cases.

He is a Master of the Bench of Grays Inn (where he is also a senior advocacy trainer), an Honorary Professor of Law at Leicester University and a Doctor of Laws of that University, a Senior Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at Cambridge University and lectures extensively on matters of international criminal and humanitarian law at universities and academic forums worldwide. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. In 2015 he was knighted by HM Queen Elizabeth for services to the international rule of law.

Andrea O’cain

Helen Railton, Senior Fingerprint Officer, Northumbria Police, Fingerprint Bureau

Paul Roberts is Professor of Criminal Jurisprudence, University of Nottingham School of Law, UK, and Adjunct Professor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing. He is a graduate of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Roberts researches and teaches in the areas of criminal procedure and evidence, forensic science, criminal justice and legal theory, with a particular emphasis on comparative, international and philosophical perspectives. He has served as an advisor to the Law Commissions of England and Scotland, to the Crown Prosecution Service, and to the UK Forensic Science Regulator. Current publications include Roberts and Zuckerman, Criminal Evidence (OUP, 3/e 2022); Roberts and Stockdale (eds), Forensic Science Evidence and Expert Witness Testimony (EE, 2018); and Hunter, Roberts, Young and Dixon (ed), The Integrity of Criminal Process (Hart, 2016). In addition to a dozen books and major research reports, Roberts has published over 100 other articles, essays, notes and reviews in law, criminology, philosophy and forensic science books and journals. 

Ian Shaw, Future Forensics Project, School of Applied Sciences

Neeti Sud

Jim Spencer

Dr James Stoddart, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Bamburgh Clinic, St. Nicholas Hospital

HHJ Sloan, Q.C., Hon. Recorder of Newcastle upon Tyne

Michael G. Thompson
 LL.B (Hons), PGCE, Head of National Fingerprint Training, People and Development, National Policing Improvement Agency

Dr Gillian Tully
, Gillian has worked in forensic science for 30 years, specialising in forensic genetics, innovation, validation and enhancement of quality standards. Her work has included provision of expert evidence to courts in the UK and overseas, and collaborative working with forensic practitioners around the world. From 2014 – February 2021, Gill held the appointment of Forensic Science Regulator and was responsible for setting quality standards for forensic science in the Criminal Justice System. In March 2021, Gill took up the role of Professor of Practice for Forensic Science Policy and Regulation at King’s College London and formed her own consulting company, Tully Forensic Science Ltd.

In October 2020, she was appointed as a CBE for services to forensic science. Gill is an Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, an Honorary Member of the Society of Legal Scholars and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Natural History Museum. She has published widely in the fields of forensic genetics, quality standards and expert evidence.

Ian Whitehurst, Ian is in private practice as a barrister practising at Exchange Chambers, Liverpool and Guernica 37 International Law Chambers in London. He specialises in international criminal law, serious organised crime, fraud, confiscation, regulatory law and cyber crime. In addition to his legal practice he lectures extensively in the UK, Ireland, Canada and the United States on international law and cyber crime related issues. He is called also to the Northern Irish Bar and has rights of audience at the AIFC in Kazakhstan. In addition to his work as an advocate, Ian is an arbitrator on at a number of dispute resolution centres in Western Europe, the Balkans and in the Caucasuses.

Prof Jarosław Zagrodnik (Silesia University in Katowice, Poland), Professor Zagrodnik cooperates with the National Chamber of Tax Advisors, with Opole Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law, with Katowice Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law and with Cracow Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law. He is an active legal counsel and an expert in change of a legislative level in the field of criminal procedure law, criminal law, penal fiscal law, penal fiscal proceedings and liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty. He is a member in the Codification Commission that was set up by self-governance's authorities, the National Bar Association and The National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law for Congress of Polish Lawyers. He is the supervisor of Criminal Procedure Law Research Circle /about-us/academic-departments/northumbria-law-school/law-research/northumbria-centre-for-evidence-criminal-justice-studies/external-members/''Iustitia/about-us/academic-departments/northumbria-law-school/law-research/northumbria-centre-for-evidence-criminal-justice-studies/external-members/'', Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal ,,Problemy Prawa Karnego’’ and reviewer in numerous scientific journals. His scientific work and research activities work have earned him numerous Rector's Awards. Professor’s Jarosław Zagrodnik research interests are concentrated on summary of the criminal process, the issue of the rights of the victim in criminal proceedings, of the liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty. He is an author of more than 90 scientific and didactic papers. 



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