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Team Enterprise Day

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Gain first-hand business venture creation experience with an degree from the UK’s Number 1 University for Graduate Start-ups!*

Have you ever dreamed about turning your passion into a career and setting up your own business one day? Building on the Team Academy framework of learning by doing, our Entrepreneurial Business Management course puts doing real business in teams at the core of your University experience!

From talking to potential customers to deducing scalable business models, selling your first products to building your team… throughout this degree you will develop a wealth of business, professional, and personal skills to help you flourish in any career.

Business founders come in all different shapes and sizes. Whether you want to be the next Richard Branson or Oprah Winfrey, want to turn a hobby you love in to your full-time career, or simply want to learn business in a team-based, supportive environment… then come along to our taster day and see if a degree in Entrepreneurial Business Management is for you.

Due to the success of 2018's Team Enterprise Day, we will be running two identical days in July. 


Dates:                  Thursday 4th July

Time:                   09.30 – 14.30

Venue:                 Northern Design Centre (NE8 3DF)

Who is it for:        Year 12 / Equivalent Students from any academic discipline


Day Overview: (times and sessions are subject to change)



09:30 Arrival and Refreshments 
10:00  Welcome and Introduction 
10:10  What is an entrepreneur? 
10:30 EBM - the student view 
10:50 Creativity game - ice-breaker 
11:00  Identifying Business opportunities 
12:00 Networking lunch and business stalls from current students 
12:45  Business ideas - creating and testing 
13:30  Pitching and presenting 
14:10  Q&A with current students, team coaches and graduates 
14:30 Building tours and closing. 

*51 is the UK’s top ranked University for start-ups based on graduate business turnover. According to the Higher Education Business and Community Interaction Survey (HEBCIS) Northumbria University graduate businesses reached £69.2m turnover in 2015/16.

Find out more details about the University programme here:

Please contact sam2.clegg@northumbria.ac.uk for further information about the taster day.

To book a place, please fill in the form below. You will receive a confirmation email with pre-event information 1-3 working days after submitting this form.

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