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Behaviour, Brand and Digital Insights

The Behaviour, Brand and Digital Insights research interest group (BBD RIG) aims to create a supporting and collaborative research culture for (digital) marketing and consumer behaviour academics. The RIG offers regular research updates, seminars by leading researchers, meet-the-editor sessions and research and funding collaboration opportunities, to enable its members to further develop their skills and improve their research profiles. The BBD RIG also holds regular meetings, creating a platform for its members to discuss their research ideas and provide constructive comments on current and future research projects. 

The BBD RIG makes a strong and longstanding contribution to the research in the Department and the Faculty of Business and Law, as evidenced by its REF contribution and the research and funding successes of its members.  

The BBD RIG has a strong international profile, having strong research links with a number of institutions worldwide, such as Brock University (Canada), Lebanese American University (Lebanon), Tianjin University (China), University Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), University of West Australia (Australia), Beijing Foreign Studies University (China), University of Colombo (Sri Lanka), Aarhus University (Denmark), KU Leuven, and Copenhagen Business School. 

By becoming part of the BBD RIG, members can benefit from its various activities and international networks, and join a supportive, dynamic and diverse research group that can help them develop academically and professionally. 

If you are a prospective PhD/postgraduate student who is interested in pursuing research in consumer behaviour, decision-making strategies, branding and brand management, digital marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing, and projects that cover other marketing aspects, please visit the following link for more information on Northumbria research degrees: 


Main contact: Prof. Xuemei Bian

Email: xuemei.bian@northumbria.ac.uk

Telephone: 0191 227 4714

Chrysostomos Apostolidis -

Research Areas: Responsible Marketing, Digital Marketing, Sustainable Consumer Behaviour


Xuemei Bian -

Research Areas: Consumer Decision-making Strategy, Effective Branding, Advertising, and Services Marketing 


Craig Bradshaw -

Research Areas: Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, E-Marketing


David Brown-

Research Areas: Marketing, Qualitative methodology, Tourism, Leisure, Pedagogy


Jane Brown -

Research Areas: Consumer Financial Decision-making, Consumer Culture Theory, Consumer Consumption, Qualitative Methodology


Charles Cui -

Research Areas: International Marketing, Branding and Consumer Research. Recent research focuses on addictive consumption (e.g. Brand Addiction), Ethnic Consumers’ Social Inclusion and Socially Inclusive Marketing, Marketing Complexities of New-tech Products (e.g. Wearables), Consumer Values and Interaction with Social Media. 


Kirk Dodds

Research Areas: Digital Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Segmentation, Sport Marketing in Cycling


Prabash Edirisingha -

Research Areas: Family consumption, Acculturation, Postmodern consumption, Consumer Culture Theory, Ethonography and Netnography


Sadia Haque

Research Areas: Consumer behaviour, Counterfeiting, Branding, Communication


Kimberley Hardcastle

Research Areas: Branding, CCT, Consumer identity projects, marketing communications, sport sector and events


David Hart -

Research Areas: Charitable Marketing, Customer Complaint Behaviour and Digital Marketing


Sophie Ran Liu

Research Areas: AI marketing, Ambush marketing, marketing communications


Edita Petrylaite -

Research Areas: Gender and Consumer behaviour, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Marketing


Alan Shaw -

Research Areas: Social Marketing, Social Listening, Digital Marketing


Matt Sutherland -

Research Areas: Consumer Decision Making; Work-Based Learning 


Anders Wappling -

Research Areas: Consumer Decision Making, Food Marketing, Retailing, Service Marketing, International Marketing

Upcoming Seminars

  • Thursday 7th March 2019 - Professor Philip Kitchen, University of Salford, Editor of the Journal of Marketing Communications
  • Wednesday 13th March 2019 - Professor Cleopatra Veloutsou, University of Glasgow, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Product and Brand Management.

Previous Seminars

  • Wednesday 9th January 2019Dr Mona Mrad, Lebanese American University

Brock University (Canada), Goodman School of Business.

Lebanese American University (Lebanon), Adnan Kassar School of Business.

Tianjin University (China), Marketing Department.

University Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), Graduate School of Business.

University of West Australia (Australia), Business School.


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