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Public Policy and Management

Convening question:

How can we ensure today’s public services can meet the demands of the future?


The Public Policy and Management (PPM) research group equips policymakers and service professionals with the tools and ideas they need meet long-term public service challenges.

We specialise in applied, policy-relevant research undertaken in partnership with organisations across the public, private and third sectors. We work as a hub for North East academics, policymakers and service professionals to mobilise the public sector as a major driver of economic and social advancement.

PPM brings together the work of over 25 NBS academics alongside a roster of visiting professors, fellows and associates. Together, we carry forward 51’s reputation for excellence in public administration scholarship and policy impact. Our work spans four areas.

Research leadership. Our academic staff publish extensively in top academic journals and hold significant national and international roles in research networks, advisory forums and learned societies.

Policy-relevant teaching and learning. Our developing teaching and executive education portfolio combines cutting-edge ideas in public service reform with innovative, problem-led learning bridging the academic-policy boundary.

Impactful applied research projects. We undertake collaborative research projects funded by a range of UK research councils, civic organisations and governments

Engaged scholarship. We reach beyond the university boundary, convening policymakers, academics and the public in a programme of collaborative events, invited talks and developmental workshops

PPM members take a future-focussed approach to public policy issues, cutting across eight overlapping themes:

Complexity and relational public services

Ozge Dilaver


Action-oriented approaches to research and knowledge exchange

Rebecca Prescott

Tamara Mulherin


Policymaking, leadership and regional development

Lorraine Johnston

Kerry Howell

John Wilson

Merrell Knox

Zaina Gadema


Civic engagement and partnership working

Martin King

Tamara Mulherin

Rebecca Prescott


Restorative justice and resistance

Marco Checchi

Gill Danby

Nikki D’Souza


Performance, learning, audit and regulation

Helen Watson

Nhung Nguyen

Lorraine Johnston

Kerry Howell


Digital governance and collaborative platforms

David Jamieson

Mike Martin

Suman Bhattacharya

Martin King


Wellbeing and sustainability-oriented public administration

Martin King


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Register for an Open Day

We host a number of Open Days throughout the year. Click to find out more about our Open Days and book your place.


Our Staff

Our students learn from the best – inspirational academic staff with a genuine passion for their subject. Our courses are at the forefront of current knowledge and practice and are shaped by world-leading and internationally excellent research.

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