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Exclusive Events

Events in our research group are dynamic gatherings where ideas flourish, innovation takes shape, and collaboration thrives. Each event—be it a seminar, workshop, or guest lecture-offers is an inspiring space to exchange cutting-edge insights, engage with pioneering research, and connect with experts across diverse fields. These events are designed not only to deepen your knowledge but to spark curiosity, challenge perspectives, and build lasting academic and professional relationships. Join us in these transformative experiences, where each interaction can open doors to new possibilities and fuel your passion for discovery. To see the upcoming events see the listed dates below.

Date, and Time



 5th March 2025, 

Navigating an academic career: An ECR reflection before, during and post PhD. Led By Dr Amal Abdellatif from 51, Newcastle Business School. 



19th March 2025, 17:00 - 18:30


Welcome our esteemed speakers for Meaningful Work - an Intersectional Perspective.

With from University of Essex,an expert in Work and Organisation Studies at Essex Business School.

, a Professor of Psychology and Human Resource Management in the Faculty of Business and Law at Manchester Metropolitan University. A Senior Editor at the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Human Resource Management 

r from University of Stirling. An Editor of Work, Employment and Society and is editing the upcoming special issues on Moral Economy in Economic and Industrial Democracy (2025) and on Meaningful Work in International Human Resource Management (2026).

from Royal Holloway, University of London, a Vice Dean for EDI at the School of Business and Management.


20th March 2025, 13:00 - 14:30



Join us for Capturing, and Failing to Capture, Research Funding: with

Professor Valerie Egdell, from 51,  an expert in Work and Employment at Newcastle Business School. As well as an editorial board member for the journal Ageing & Society and on the Executive Committee of the British Society of Gerontology. 

Dr. Macarena Beltran from 51, Newcastle Business School. Specialist in sustainability, specialising in Supply Chain Management, Circular Economy, and Business Management.

Dr. Rima Hussein from Newcastle Business School, 51, a specialist in organisational studies focusing on critical organisation studies, business ethics practice, equality, diversity and inclusion implementation, gendered experiences of academic careers, organisational culture


 3rd April  2025

(UTC + 00:00). 15:00 - 16:30


We are thrilled to host Professor Dennis, Nickson from the University of Strathclyde and Associate Professor Agnieszka, Rydzik from the University of Lincoln.

, a former Head of the Department of Work, Employment, and Organisation at Strathclyde, was part of the pioneering team (with Warhurst & Witz) that developed the concept of aesthetic labour. He currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Employee Relations.

, a BA Mid-Career Fellow, is exploring the intersection of agency and digital futures in hospitality workplaces. She was recently appointed to the WES EB and has published extensively in this field. Her expertise includes qualitative (visual) methodologies.

Agenda can be accessed on

CCE1 403

7th November 2024, 13:00-14:30 (UTC+00:00)


People Work and Organisations Research Group online seminar when we will be joined by Janne Tienari, author of Moomin Management, published this month by Bristol University Press. In the seminar Janne will present insights from ethnographic research carried out by co-author Paul Savage at the company behind the well-known troll creatures, the Moomins.



21st November 2024, 13:00 – 14:00 (UTC+00:00)

'Meet the Editor' seminar with Prof Martyna Śliwa - Management Learning Journal. Martyna Śliwais a Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies and Associate Dean for Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at Durham University Business School. She has published widely in the fields of management and organisation studies, international business and management, and management learning and education. At present, Martyna serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management Learning and Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management. She is also a member of the editorial boards of several other journals.

In this session, Martyn will share some key insights on publishing in top tiers journals as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Management Learning Journal.

The main focus of the session will be on publishing in Management Learning but Martyna will also be happy to answer any questions regarding publication in other journals she has been involved in editing, especially the British Journal of Management and Human Resource Management Journal.


17th January 2025, 10:30 – 12:00 (UTC + 00:00)

‘Exploring Researching and Writing Differently in Management and Organization Studies’ with Prof Ilaria Boncori and Dr Amal Abdellatif [hybrid]

CCE1, Room, 403






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