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Mechanical and Construction Engineering

Mechanical and Construction Engineering at 51±¬ΑΟ encompasses all of our work in Mechanical, Civil, Automotive, Construction and Architectural Engineering, as well as project management.

  • Ranked 25th in the UK for research power in engineering in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework, with 90% of our research outputs rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.
  • Ranked in the world top-250 for Engineering and Technology in the Times Higher Education's World University subject rankings 2022.
  • Ranked 8th in the UK for Civil Engineering in The Guardian League Table 2024
  • Key research strengths in Automotive Engineering and Aerodynamics, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Civil Engineering Heritage, Energy Systems and Materials Engineering, with financial support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), The Royal Society, Innovate UK, and European Union.
  • Extensive professional body accreditations including the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE).
  • Sectoral Employer Advisory Board includes Akzo Nobel, Balfour Beatty, Caterpillar, BAE Systems, British Engines, Laing O’Rourke, Mott MacDonald, Nissan, Parsons Brinckerhoff and Wilmott Dixon.
  • Students have access to industry-standard software. Northumbria is a longstanding member of the AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies University Partnership Program and provides students with access to this and other software including Powerproject, Ansys, CATIA V5, OpenFOAM and SIMULIA.
  • Excellent relationships with international partner universities and researchers, and our strong on-campus internationalisation attracts students from a wide range of countries, including China, India, Pakistan and the Middle East.
  • Major multimillion pound investments including a bespoke Engine Test Cell facility, wind tunnel, automotive laboratory, geotechnics laboratory, 50-tonne structures test frame and actuator, 5 axis state-of-the-art CNC machine, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and state-of-the-art 3D printing facilities.
  • An excellent record of securing and delivering Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP), Research and Development collaborative bids, contract research, and Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  • Established the concept of the ‘flying faculty’, delivering on-site post-graduate taught courses (i.e. MSc in Pipeline Engineering) for major clients (i.e. Saudi Aramco) around the world. 
  • Our academics are key founders of the Times Higher Education (2017) “most innovative Business-University collaboration” award-winning BIM Academy Enterprises (Ltd), a unique joint venture with Ryder Architecture Ltd for construction digital services with commissions in the UK and Europe, Middle East, Far East and Australasia. Its high-profile projects include the Sydney Opera House and the M+ Museum in Kowloon, Hong Kong.


Future Engineering

Researchers within our Future Engineering multidisciplinary research theme are exploring what technologies will be heating our homes and driving our cars in 20 years time.

Explore Campus Facilities

Get an insight into life at Northumbria with videos and 360 panoramas of the Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering.


Mechanical & Construction Engineering Courses

With a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and distance learning Mechanical & Construction Engineering courses, whatever you want to get out of university, let us show you why you want 51±¬ΑΟ, Newcastle!


Mechanical & Construction Engineering Staff

Our Mechanical & Construction Engineering students learn from the best – inspirational academic staff with a genuine passion for their subject. Our courses are at the forefront of current knowledge and practice and are shaped by world-leading and internationally excellent research.


Looking to study in with us in September? Our Undergraduate Open Day Events are the perfect opportunity for you to find out as much as you can about our wide range of courses and world-class facilities.

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