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Northumbria Practice Research Group

The Northumbria Practice Research Group came into being as a new interdisciplinary space in which to share ideas, experiences, and expertise related to all forms of Practice Research. The Group has attracted strong interest and participation, with around 150 staff members in a wide variety of subject areas in a number of different departments, including Performance, Fine Art, Arts/conservation, Film/media production, Creative Writing, Architecture, and Design, currently on its emailing list. 

The aim of the group is to make Northumbria a leading centre for practice research. Amongst its objectives, it wants to nurture a multidisciplinary practice research environment; promote the understanding and communication of practice research; bring together a critical mass of practice researchers; pursue creative, scholarly, and professional work that furthers practice research; facilitate bidding, grant capture, and impact in practice research; serve as a space where university partnerships related to practice research can be brought into productive conjunction; widen external engagement with the creative industries, curatorial bodies, and practice-oriented public events; and develop younger practice researchers through training and networking opportunities. 

The NPRG hosts 2 to 3 sessions per semester with invited guest speakers and workshops and presentations by Northumbria staff covering all areas of Practice Research.

It pays particular attention to REF-focused issues for Practice Research, with sessions on how practice is defined as research, portfolios, supplementary supporting statements, reflection in research as a generative practice, and the nature of the accompanying commentary for creative work.

The NPRG aligns itself where appropriate with the university’s Multidisciplinary Research Themes, informing and engaging with specific strategies identified within the MDRTs.

Institutionally, the group sits within Faculty of Arts Design and Social Science. It aims, however, at being as inclusive as possible and open to membership across the university. It has open connections with all university MDRTs and other practice-led/based groups, with Individual members being aligned with the research themes of several other MDRTs and groups.

If you are interested in being in touch with the Northumbria Practice Research Group, please contact Prof Michael Cawood Green, the current Chair of the group (michael.m.green@northumbria.ac.uk), or Dr Jo Briggs (Jo.briggs@northumbria.ac.uk).



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