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17/11/2022 – 03/12/2022

design feminisms

Participants: Stacey Pitsillides, Angelika Strohmayer, Reem Talhouk, Cally Gatehouse, Luke Sellers & Alina Vaseka, Charlotte Bilby, Ko-Le Chen, Chris Hodge, Roxanne Bottomley, Abdullah Qureshi, Susana Gomez Larranaga, Julie Anne Parsons, Clare Baker, Lou Rogers, Jiayi Jin, Puleng Segalo, Helen Simmons, Sarah Gilligan, Anja Stankovic, Sebastian Prost, Stacey Rossouw, Aiman Noor, Paulina Malowaniec, Jayn Verkerk, Lesley-Anne Pace, Phoebe Pace, Linda Lightley, Nicola McBeth, Denise Crawford, Sarah Vyse, Kim Smith, Andrew Jones, Jess Bailey, Gary Martin, Max Telford 

This exhibition starts from an understanding that design and feminisms is, and has always been, plural – having many origin stories reflecting multiple and sometimes contradictory ways of being within Western and Global Majority societies. The Design Feminisms exhibition uses this grounding as a basis to explore feminisms with, through, and for design.

Design Feminisms typography designThe exhibition is made up of work from 12 participating design researchers and a collective geodesic dome to explore plural, layered, and contradictory themes of design feminisms. Themes of the work relate to intersectionality of identities, approaches to collaborative and participatory work in sensitive settings, the role of ‘data’ and ‘dissemination’ in research, and tensions between formal infrastructures and embodied experience. These themes are explored through inter- and post-disciplinary works that are presented as multimedia installations as well as explorations that blur boundaries between design, art, and craft.  

30 academics, technicians, and students have contributed to the feminist geodesic dome that is an assemblage of co-created, polyvocal vision of design feminisms. The intention of this dome is not purely aesthetic, it is intended as a space for discussion, debate, quiet contemplation and creation; a space that is constructed by those who occupy it. 

Design Feminisms is the fourth exhibition in Gallery North’s Autumn season of exhibitions curated around the theme of Constructions.

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